
From ExoticA
This game is an official conversion, tie-in or a blatant rip-off, see Lost In Translation/Frankenstein
Frankenstein box scan

Scan is part of ExoticA's Games Gallery. Click thumbnail for full image.
Composer(s) Barry Leitch
Team(s) Zeppelin Games
Publisher(s) Zeppelin Games
Music Format(s) Pha Packer
Year published 1992

UnExoticA Music Files


Download archive Game/Leitch_Barry/Frankenstein.lha
The composer writes, "1991-ish Published by some small company in Newcastle possibly, or possibly never released... Game was developed by Enigma Variations."

He then goes on to say, "The Title Tune was based on an original mod file my brother had sent me. The completion tune was supposed to tie in with some movie type stuff happening onscreen and the Hiscore Tune was just a nice silly type tune."

Also included are the original versions, including one unused, direct from the composer.

Filename File Size Composer Game Year Team / Publisher
File List Indent v2.png Direct_from_Composer
File List Vertical v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png mod.frankenstein 99788 Barry Leitch Frankenstein (Unused) 1992 Zeppelin Games
File List Vertical v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png mod.frankensteincomplet 61422 Barry Leitch Frankenstein 1992 Zeppelin Games
File List Vertical v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png mod.frankensteinewscore 19954 Barry Leitch Frankenstein 1992 Zeppelin Games
File List Vertical v2.pngFile List End v2.png mod.frankensteinscore 34804 Barry Leitch Frankenstein 1992 Zeppelin Games
File List Indent v2.png pha.frankensteincomplet 57510 Barry Leitch Frankenstein 1992 Zeppelin Games
File List Indent v2.png pha.frankensteinewscore 19154 Barry Leitch Frankenstein 1992 Zeppelin Games
File List End v2.png pha.frankensteinscore 34228 Barry Leitch Frankenstein 1992 Zeppelin Games
Monday 17 September 2001 (XtC): Added to collection

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