Abyss' Highest eXperience
From ExoticA
(Redirected from AHX)
AHX : Abyss' Highest eXperience
Dexter/Abyss, Pink/Abyss, Bartman/Abyss.
General information
This music format was called THX before and then changed to AHX.
The official Amiga website is Abyss' Highest eXperience - AHX Homepage. A Win32 player is available here WinAHX.
Technical information
- AmigaOS
- DeliTracker (M Wodok, Delirium)
- EaglePlayer (M. Wodok, Buggs)
- TuneNet
- Windows
- DeliPlayer
- Pulse Player
- XMPlay
- Linux
- XMMS plug-in (D. LeCorfec) xmms-ahx
- BeOS
- APlayer (T. Neumann) APlayer (with source code)