AMFM Diskmag 7
From ExoticA
AM/FM Magazine Disk #7
- New series: Beginner's Guide to MIDI [Part 1]: "What is MIDI?"
- New series: Getting your music gear up and running [Part 1]
- Review: Valhalla's International Gold Mix #1 for the Korg Wavestation
- Build your own high-amp, anti-aliasing sound sampler
- Review: The Korg Wavestation EX
- Review: OctaMED Professional v3.00
- Commercial Game Music Reviews:
- Project-X from Team17
- Race Drivin' from Domark
- AM/FM Special Disks #1 and #2 (info)
- Space Wars - the Movie (Info)
- hOBbiTs & SpACesHipS - The CD (Info)
- Newsflash issue #26 (Info)
- Kawai K4 Editor Professional v1.99 (Demo)
- MIDICom update: v1.56
- OctaMEDPlayer v3.00
- MIDI Diagnostics
- TrackSheetX
- (Print Music-X scores to printer)
MIDI Music
- Johann Sebastian Bach * ExtraVaganza * !
- "Red Tape" - by Kon Wilms
- "Gabrielle" - by Kevan & Gareth Craft
- "I've Been Loving You", soul classic for MED/OctaMED (with MIDI)
- "If Loving You is Wrong", soul classic for MED/OctaMED (with MIDI)
- "The Girl from Ipanema" in MIDI and Music-X format!
Amiga-only Music
- "Pina Colada" - by Andrew Barnabas
- "Now What 3" - by Bjørn A. Lynne
- "Melotech" - by Pumpstation
Extra Goodies on the disk
- Build your own high-amp, anti-aliasing sound sampler
- amfm07.dms - AM/FM Issue 7 (DiskMasher format) - 663KB