AMFM Special 4

From ExoticA

AM/FM Special Disk #4

Cover Art.

BJØRN "DR.AWESOME" LYNNE'S DEFUNCT PROJECTS, VOL I and VOL II: Two disks filled with 19 Amiga-only songs by Bjørn A. Lynne, Editor of AM/FM and also known as "Dr.Awesome/Crusaders". The music on these two disks were originally composed for various game- and demo-projects; but these games and demos have unfortunately been cancelled because of contractual trouble, lazy programmers, etc. So the music now lives a life of it's own, and is presented to you here as AM/FM Special Disks #4 and #5; Bjørn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne's Defunct Projects, Vol. I and Vol. II. Lots of atmospheric music here, in the typical Dr.Awesome/Crusaders style.

Vol. I: (Special Disk #4)

  • Cyberlife 1
  • Cyberlife 2
  • Oblivion
  • Shanghai Title/Intro Score
  • Shanghai In-game 1
  • Shanghai In-game 2
  • Shanghai Hi-score
  • Shanghai Game-Over
  • Zirkonium-Theme
