Dark Demon, The
Dark Demon, The (TDD)
- Denon (music, 10/92-05/93)
- Destroyer (Nicolai, swap, early93)
- Dire (swaporg sound edit, later Eremation, 05/93-05/94)
- ???
- Amducias (music, 03/94)
- Celeborn (Marc Moysich, mainorg gfx music sysop 'EXCALIBUR', 05/93-05/94)
- Creature (gfx music, 10/92-05/94)
- Don (gfx, 07/93)
- E-Lixir (Ronald Doberenz, gfx swap, old handle Capricorn, 03-05/94)
- Exage (code gfx, 07/93-03/94)
- E-Y (code, old handle Mohinda, 03-05/94)
- ET (edit, 10/92-05/94)
- Extron (code, 05/94)
- Fleg (code gfx, 10/92-05/94)
- Frone (pack 'Fonestorm', re-Atomic (old) late93)
- Leo II (code gfx music, 05/93-05/94)
- Nici (cosys, 05/94)
- Nightstalker (swap editor, 05/94)
- Pennywise (tradepc edit, 10/92-05/94)
- Phil (sysop WHQ, 05/94)
- Red Star (gfx, 07/93)
- Secret (music, 10/92)
- Shed (ex Willow)
- Snoopy (ex Argon)
- Suicide (swap, female!, 05/94)
- Zakko (gfx, 05/94)
Group History
Finnish Judas Priest (ex Digital Artists Inc, old handle Reaper) left.
Germans Devil and TDMF joined Cult. Another place in the mag it said Devil joined Amnesia before moving on to Mexx. Generation #6 says just that Devil joined Mexx.
Cruncher/Savage joined, but left after a few days for Cult.
Frone rejoined after being in Atomic (old) a few weeks.
Rebel MC joined Byte Busters.
Midnite Mess issue #1 (1992, .10, ECS Diskmag)
- Credits
- code: Fleg
- gfx: Creature
- music:
- Denon
- Secret
- editors:
- Pennywise
- ET
Burning Spear (1993, Demo)
Midnite Mess #2 (1993, .05, Diskmag)
- Credits
- code: Fleg
- gfx:
- Fleg
- Creature
- music:
- Denon
- Celeborn
- Leo II
- editor:
- Pennywise
- Dire
- Info
- Generation #6 said it would be released in January [93], so I guess it was delayed! It seems ET was replaced by Dire as editor.
Crying Fields BBS Intro (1993, .07, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code: Fleg
- gfx:
- Celeborn
- Red Star
- Exage
- Don
- music: Leo II
Midnite Mess issue #3 Announcetro (1994, .03, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code:
- Exage
- E-Y
- gfx: E-Lixir
- music: Leo II
Midnite Mess issue #3 (1994, .03, ECS Diskmag)
- Credits
- code: Fleg
- gfx:
- Fleg
- Creature
- Chaos/Desire
- music:
- Amducias
- Creature
- Leo II
- Info
- Released at CeBIT 94.