Defect Softworks
From ExoticA
Defect Softworks
- Buggs (Henryk Richter, code, 97)
- Crazy Copper (Frank Pagels, code, 01/95)
- EagleEye (Jan Blumenthal, code, 97)
- Insider (Andreas Wiencke, code, 10/95-02/96)
- ???
- Animal (music, 12/93)
Group History
Defect are a German team more known for their utilities than for their democoding abilities; Buggs and EagleEye are the authors of the music player EaglePlayer, and Crazy Copper is the author of the graphics conversion utility ArtPro. You'd be well advised to check out their most recent release, EaglePlayer 2, on any Aminet mirror near you!