From ExoticA
Ethic (ETC)
- Big-Rat (Kai Hoepner, mainorg edit, doublememb Abyss early97, later Nuance, 07/96-02/97)
- Bitbuster (code, 11/96)
- Cozmo (raytrace, 11/96)
- Frantic (raytrace, 11/96)
- Hawk Hunter (hardwaresupply, 11/96)
- Kit (mascot, 11/96)
- Lucas (modemorg sysop 'TEUTONIC PLACE', doublememb Lightforce (new), 11/96-01/97)
- Madstop (code, doublememb Abyss early97, later Nuance, 07/96-02/97)
- Magic Max (org, 11/96)
- Meta (music raytrace, 11-12/96)
- Mr.U (code, 11/96)
- Nero (gfx, later Artwork, 11/96)
- Tumor (raytrace, 11/96)
Group History
Ethic is a German-only team, most dedicated to the steady release of their newsmag, "The X-Files". Magic Max's board was finally closed late 96, and he is now active only as a funmember.
- 1996
- Castor (music) is no longer a member; he released a module at Symposium 96 in april which said Castor/ex Ethic. Stingray was kicked after some internal problems around april. German musician Pollux left the scene in june. German coder Cueball sold his Amiga and bought a pc again, so he's now left the Amiga scene for good. He was then kicked around june. German graphician Heron was kicked in december.
- German musician Mr.Melody (12/94) is no longer a member.
- See Ethic/Reviews for personal reviews for these releases.
X-Files #7 (1996, 01.07, AGA Filemag)
X-Files #11 (1996, .11, AGA Filemag)
- Credits
- code
- Madstop
- gfx
- Odin/Illusion (title)
- Nero/Artwork (main)
- music
- Airon/Phase Distortion
- editor
- Big-Rat
X-Files #12 (1996, 28.12, AGA Filemag)
- Info
- Released at The Party 6.
X-Files #13 (1997, 03.02, AGA Filemag)
- Credits
- editor
- Big-Rat
- Info
- Cooperation with Abyss.
External Links
- - Ethic homepage (belongs to someone else, 16/03/2007)