F1 - World Championship Edition

From ExoticA
World Championship Edition
F1 box scan

Scan is part of ExoticA's Games Gallery. Click thumbnail for full image.
Composer(s) Paul Tankard
Mike Ash
Team(s) Peak Star Software
Publisher(s) DoMark
Music Format(s) Protracker
Year published 1995

UnExoticA Music Files


Download archive Game/Tankard_Paul/F1_World_Championship_Ed.lha

Filename File Size Composer Game Year Team / Publisher
File List Indent v2.png mod.mine2 60346 Paul Tankard F1 World Championship Edition 1995 DoMark / Peakstar
File List Indent v2.png mod.player_options 88246 Paul Tankard F1 World Championship Edition 1995 DoMark / Peakstar
File List End v2.png mod.title 93814 Paul Tankard F1 World Championship Edition 1995 DoMark / Peakstar
Monday 17 September 2001 (XtC): Added to collection

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