Ghost Battle

From ExoticA
Ghost Battle
Ghost Battle box scan

Scan is part of ExoticA's Games Gallery. Click thumbnail for full image.
Composer(s) Jochen Hippel
Team(s) Intelligent Design
Publisher(s) Thalion
Music Format(s) Hippel
Hippel 7V
Year published 1991

UnExoticA Music Files


Download archive Game/Hippel_Jochen/Ghost_Battle.lha
An unused game over tune is provided from Jochen, along with older hip. & hipc. replayer versions.

Filename File Size Composer Game Year Team / Publisher
File List Indent v2.png Direct_from_Composer
File List Vertical v2.pngFile List End v2.png hipc.game_over_unused 42362 Jochen Hippel Ghost Battle 1991 Thalion / Intelligent Design
File List Indent v2.png Older_hip_hipc_versions
File List Vertical v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png hip.thalion_intro 15734 Jochen Hippel Ghost Battle 1991 Thalion / Intelligent Design
File List Vertical v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png hipc.level_1 29250 Jochen Hippel Ghost Battle 1991 Thalion / Intelligent Design
File List Vertical v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png hipc.level_2_and_5 30012 Jochen Hippel Ghost Battle 1991 Thalion / Intelligent Design
File List Vertical v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png hipc.level_3 34248 Jochen Hippel Ghost Battle 1991 Thalion / Intelligent Design
File List Vertical v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png hipc.level_4 39206 Jochen Hippel Ghost Battle 1991 Thalion / Intelligent Design
File List Vertical v2.pngFile List End v2.png hipc.title_menu_and_game_end 28598 Jochen Hippel Ghost Battle 1991 Thalion / Intelligent Design
File List Indent v2.png s7g.game_over 45394 Jochen Hippel Ghost Battle 1991 Thalion / Intelligent Design
File List Indent v2.png soc.title 28598 Jochen Hippel Ghost Battle 1991 Thalion / Intelligent Design
File List Indent v2.png soc.world_1 29250 Jochen Hippel Ghost Battle 1991 Thalion / Intelligent Design
File List Indent v2.png soc.world_2 30012 Jochen Hippel Ghost Battle 1991 Thalion / Intelligent Design
File List Indent v2.png soc.world_3 34248 Jochen Hippel Ghost Battle 1991 Thalion / Intelligent Design
File List Indent v2.png soc.world_4 39206 Jochen Hippel Ghost Battle 1991 Thalion / Intelligent Design
File List End v2.png sog.thalion_intro 15734 Jochen Hippel Ghost Battle 1991 Thalion / Intelligent Design
Tuesday 18 December 2001 (XtC): Added to collection
Friday 10 May 2002 (XtC): Added unused tune.
Wednesday 14 September 2016 (XtC): Replaced with revised rip from Don Adan.
Wednesday 21 September 2016 (XtC): Re-added older hip. & hipc. versions.

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