
From ExoticA

General Information

A variant of the Hippel music format. This also includes Hippel COSO 7V (seven voices) music. COSO means "compressed song", i.e. the music data is compressed. The Hippel-COSO file format can be decrunched into the regular Hippel format.

Technical Information

File Prefix/Extension

Music in the UnExoticA collection


Game Year Team / Publisher
Amberstar 1992 Thalion / Thalion
Astaroth - Beware The Angel Of Death 1989 Hewson / Hewson
Chambers of Shaolin 1989 Thalion / Grandslam
Dragonflight 1990 Thalion / Thalion
Enchanted Land 1990 Thalion / Thalion
Ghost Battle 1991 Intelligent Design / Thalion
Lethal Xcess 1991 Eclipse Software Design / Eclipse Software Design
Ninja Remix 1990 Eclipse / System 3
A Prehistoric Tale 1990 The Lost Boys / Thalion
Wings of Death 1990 Eclipse / Thalion


Demo Year Group / Party
No Hippel-COSO demo music in the archive
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