Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo

From ExoticA
This game is the sequel to Nebulus (game)
Nebulus 2
Pogo a gogo
Nebulus 2 box scan

Scan is part of ExoticA's Games Gallery. Click thumbnail for full image.
Composer(s) Lecter (Title)
Bent Nielsen (Ingame)
Felix Schmidt (Loader)
Team(s) Infernal Byte Systems
Publisher(s) 21st Century Entertainment
Music Format(s) Oktalyzer
DeltaMusic 2.0
Year published 1991

UnExoticA Music Files


Download archive Game/Lecter/Nebulus_2.lha

Filename File Size Composer Game Year Team / Publisher
File List End v2.png okt.title 59200 Lecter Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo 1991 21st Century / Infernal Byte
Friday 09 November 2001 (XtC): Added to collection


Download archive Game/Nielsen_Bent/Nebulus_2.lha

Filename File Size Composer Game Year Team / Publisher
File List Indent v2.png dm2.Agressive_Alien 39726 Bent Nielsen Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo 1991 21st Century / Infernal Byte
File List Indent v2.png dm2.Airsubgame 30226 Bent Nielsen Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo 1991 21st Century / Infernal Byte
File List Indent v2.png dm2.Demon_Dungeons 35664 Bent Nielsen Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo 1991 21st Century / Infernal Byte
File List Indent v2.png dm2.Egyptian_Elevator 32348 Bent Nielsen Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo 1991 21st Century / Infernal Byte
File List Indent v2.png dm2.Final_Funny 21440 Bent Nielsen Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo 1991 21st Century / Infernal Byte
File List Indent v2.png dm2.Hardy_Hitech 25966 Bent Nielsen Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo 1991 21st Century / Infernal Byte
File List Indent v2.png dm2.Landsubgame 28568 Bent Nielsen Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo 1991 21st Century / Infernal Byte
File List Indent v2.png dm2.Smooth_Satisfaction 49062 Bent Nielsen Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo 1991 21st Century / Infernal Byte
File List Indent v2.png dm2.Watersubgame 31686 Bent Nielsen Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo 1991 21st Century / Infernal Byte
File List Indent v2.png dm2.Water_Warriors 18024 Bent Nielsen Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo 1991 21st Century / Infernal Byte
File List End v2.png dm2.Winter_Wish 33068 Bent Nielsen Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo 1991 21st Century / Infernal Byte
Friday 09 November 2001 (XtC): Added to collection


Download archive Game/Schmidt_Felix/Nebulus_2.lha

Filename File Size Composer Game Year Team / Publisher
File List Indent v2.png cust.loading_music 16788 Felix Schmidt Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo 1991 21st Century / Infernal Byte
File List End v2.png instr
File List Blank v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png laser.x 768
File List Blank v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png s-bais.x 964
File List Blank v2.pngFile List End v2.png s-snare.x 1112
Tuesday 13 November 2001 (XtC): Added to collection

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