Game |
Year |
Team / Publisher
9 Lives |
1990 |
Arc Software / Arc Software
Aaargh! |
1987 |
Arcadia Systems, Sculptured Software Inc. / Electronic Arts
Action Fighter |
1989 |
Core Design / Firebird
Advanced Ski Simulator |
1990 |
The Highlanders / Codemasters
After Burner (88) |
1988 |
Software Studios, Argonaut Software / Activision
Agony |
1992 |
Art & Magic / Psygnosis
Air Supply |
1989 |
Magic Bytes / Magic Bytes
Altered Beast |
1989 |
Software Studios / Activision
Archon - The Light And The Dark |
1985 |
Free Fall / Electronic Arts
Archon II - Adept |
1986 |
Free Fall / Electronic Arts
Arcticfox |
1985 |
Dynamix / Electronic Arts
Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh |
1988 |
Imagine / Imagine
Astate - La Malediction des Templiers |
1990 |
Calypso Productions / Calypso Productions
Backlash |
1987 |
Novagen Software / Novagen Software
Bandit Kings of Ancient China |
1991 |
Koei / Infogrames
Bangkok Knights |
1988 |
Software Studios / System 3
The Bard's Tale - Tales of the Unknown Volume I |
1986 |
Interplay Productions / Electronic Arts
The Bard's Tale II - The Destiny Knight |
1988 |
Interplay Productions / Electronic Arts
Batman |
1989 |
Ocean / Ocean
Batman Returns |
1993 |
Gametek, Dentons / Konami
Battlestorm |
1991 |
Titus / Titus
Battle Command |
1990 |
Realtime Games / Ocean
Battle Squadron - The Destruction of the Barrax Empire! |
1989 |
Innerprise / Innerprise
Beam |
1989 |
Magic Bytes / Magic Bytes
Bionic Commando |
1987 |
Software Creations / Go!
Black Lamp |
1988 |
Firebird / Firebird
Blue Angel 69 |
1989 |
Magic Bytes / Magic Bytes
Bone Cruncher |
1987 |
Superior Software / Superior Software
Brain Challenge - The Arena Of Death |
1992 |
Brataccas |
1985 |
Psygnosis / Psygnosis
Budokan - The Martial Spirit |
1989 |
Electronic Arts / Electronic Arts
Cadaver |
1990 |
The Bitmap Brothers / Image Works
Carrier Command |
1988 |
Realtime Games / Rainbird
Chase H.Q. II - Special Criminal Investigation |
1990 |
I.C.E. / Ocean
Chuckie Egg |
1988 |
Icon Design / Pick & Choose
Cisco Heat |
1991 |
I.C.E. / Image Works
CJ in the USA |
1992 |
Genesis Software / Codemasters
Clown-O-Mania |
1989 |
Starbyte / Starbyte
Club & Country |
1995 |
Teque / Boms Computer Games
Colossus Chess X - The Ultimate Chess Program |
1989 |
Conqueror |
1990 |
Marjacq Micros / Rainbow Arts
Corruption |
1988 |
Magnetic Scrolls / Magnetic Scrolls
Cosmic Bouncer |
1988 |
EuroLine / ReadySoft
Crack |
1988 |
LinEL / LinEL
Crack Down |
1990 |
Arc Developments / U.S. Gold
Crazy Cars |
1987 |
EH Productions / Titus
Crazy Cars II |
1989 |
Titus / Titus
Crime Time |
1990 |
Starbyte / Starbyte
Crystal Dragon |
1994 |
Magnetic Fields / Black Legend
Cybershere PLUS |
1995 |
Psycon Software / Psycon Software
Cyber World |
1990 |
Magic Bytes / Magic Bytes
Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge |
1988 |
Choice / Ocean
Darius+ |
1989 |
The Edge / The Edge
Dark Century |
1990 |
Titus / Titus
Deep Core |
1993 |
Dynafield Systems / International Computer Entertainment
Defender of the Crown |
1986 |
Cinemaware / Master Designer Software
Destroyer |
1987 |
Sculptured Software Inc. / Epyx
Dick Tracy |
1990 |
Titus / Titus
Discovery |
1986 |
Artifactory / MicroIllusions
Discovery: Language |
1988 |
Artifactory / MicroIllusions
Discovery: Math |
1988 |
Artifactory / MicroIllusions
Discovery: Science |
1988 |
Artifactory / MicroIllusions
Discovery: Spelling |
1988 |
Artifactory / MicroIllusions
Discovery: Trivia 1 |
1988 |
Artifactory / MicroIllusions
Domination |
1990 |
Magic Bytes / Magic Bytes
Double Dragon |
1988 |
Virgin Mastertronic / Virgin Mastertronic
Double Dragon II - The Revenge |
1989 |
Binary Design Ltd / Mastertronic
Dragon's Lair Demo |
1987 |
ReadySoft / ReadySoft
Drol |
1988 |
Cachet / Brøderbund
Dynatech |
1992 |
eleven SOFTWARE / Magic Bytes
E-Motion |
1990 |
The Assembly Line, Blue Turtle / U.S. Gold
Earl Weaver Baseball |
1987 |
Mirage Graphics Inc. / Electronic Arts
Eco |
1987 |
Denton Designs / Ocean
Elf |
1991 |
Nirvana Systems / Ocean
Eliminator |
1988 |
LinEL / Hewson
Elite |
1988 |
Mr Micro / Firebird
England Championship Special |
1991 |
Grandslam Video / Grandslam Video
Extase |
1990 |
Cryo / Virgin
Exxon |
1991 |
Braindeath / Maxon
F40 Pursuit Simulator |
1989 |
Titus / Titus
F/A-18 Interceptor |
1988 |
Intellisoft / Electronic Arts
The Faery Tale Adventure |
1986 |
MicroIllusions / MicroIllusions
Federation of Free Traders |
1990 |
Gremlin Graphics / Gremlin Graphics
Fire & Forget |
1988 |
Titus / Titus
Fire & Forget II |
1990 |
Titus / Titus
First Samurai |
1991 |
Vivid Image / Image Works
Fish! |
1988 |
Magnetic Scrolls / Rainbird
Flying Shark |
1988 |
Firebird / Firebird
Frontier - Elite II |
1993 |
Gametek / Konami
Full Metal Planete |
1990 |
Hitech Productions / Infogrames
Fuzzball |
1991 |
System 3 / System 3
Galactic Conqueror |
1988 |
Titus / Titus
Galactic - The X'mas Edition |
1993 |
Stavros Fasoulas / The One
Gauntlet II |
1988 |
U.S. Gold / U.S. Gold
Gauntlet III - The Final Quest |
1991 |
Tengen, Software Creations / U.S. Gold
Genghis Khan |
1991 |
Koei / Infogrames
Globulus |
1990 |
Innerprise / Rainbow Arts
Golden Path |
1986 |
Magic Logic / Firebird
Gotcha! |
1990 |
Kingsoft / Kingsoft
Grand Prix Circuit |
1989 |
Distinctive Software Inc. / Accolade
Grand Prix Master |
1989 |
Dinamic / Dinamic
Gravity-Force |
1989 |
Kingsoft / Kingsoft
The Great Giana Sisters |
1988 |
Rainbow Arts / Time Warp Productions
G.Nius |
1988 |
Lankhor / Lankhor
Hammerfist |
1990 |
Vivid Image / Vivid Image
Hawk Eye |
1988 |
Boys Without Brains / Thalamus
Helter Skelter |
1990 |
The Assembly Line / Audiogenic
Hillsfar |
1989 |
Westwood Associates / Strategic Simulations, Inc.
Horror Zombies from the Crypt |
1991 |
Astral / Millennium
Hudson Hawk |
1991 |
Special FX / Ocean
Hybris |
1988 |
Cope-Com / Discovery Software
Hydra |
1991 |
Tengen, I.C.E. / DoMark
IK+ |
1988 |
Software Studios, Marjacq Micros / System 3
Imagems |
1993 |
Brainwave Entertainment / Brainwave Entertainment
The Immortal |
1990 |
Electronic Arts / Electronic Arts
Imperium |
1990 |
Electronic Arts / Electronic Arts
Impossible Mission II |
1988 |
Novotrade / Epyx
Indianapolis 500 - The Simulation |
1990 |
Papyrus Design / Electronic Arts
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Graphic Adventure |
1989 |
Lucasfilm Games / Lucasfilm Games
Insects in Space |
1990 |
Hewson / Hewson
Intact |
1989 |
CrossTechnics / Sphinx Software
Iron Lord |
1989 |
Ubi Soft / Ubi Soft
James Pond 2 - Codename RoboCod |
1991 |
Vectordean / Millennium
Jinxter |
1987 |
Magnetic Scrolls / Magnetic Scrolls
Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge |
1990 |
Zeppelin Games / Zeppelin Games
Joe & Mac - Caveman Ninja |
1993 |
Motivetime / Elite
The Karate Kid Part II - The Computer Game |
1987 |
Microdeal / Microdeal
Keef the Thief - A Boy and His Lockpick |
1989 |
Electronic Arts / Electronic Arts
Kick 'Up |
1988 |
Martin Silbernagl / Public Domain
The King Of Chicago |
1987 |
Master Designer Software / Mindscape
Knights of the Crystallion |
1990 |
U.S. Gold / U.S. Gold
Knight Force |
1990 |
Titus / Titus
Lemmings |
1990 |
DMA Design / Psygnosis
Limes & Napoleon |
1989 |
Gold-Section / EAS
Loom |
1990 |
Lucasfilm Games / Lucasfilm Games
Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 |
1991 |
Magnetic Fields / Gremlin Graphics
L.E.D. Storm - Lazer Enhanced Destruction |
1988 |
Software Creations / Go!
M1 Tank Platoon |
1990 |
MPS Labs / MicroProse
Marble Madness |
1986 |
Electronic Arts / Electronic Arts
Mayday Squad Heroes |
1989 |
Silicon Studios, Subway Software / Tynesoft
Mickey Mouse |
1988 |
Gremlin Graphics / Gremlin Graphics
MicroProse Formula One Grand Prix |
1991 |
MicroProse / MicroProse
Midnight Resistance |
1990 |
Special FX / Ocean
Mindwalker |
1986 |
Synapse / Commodore
Motorbike Madness |
1988 |
Binary Design Ltd / Mastertronic
Navy SEALs |
1991 |
Ocean / Ocean
Nebulus |
1988 |
Hewson / Hewson
Nebulus 2 - Pogo a gogo |
1991 |
Infernal Byte Systems / 21st Century Entertainment
Neuromancer |
1989 |
Interplay / Interplay
The Newzealand Story |
1989 |
Choice / Ocean
Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix |
1988 |
Martech / Martech
Nightdawn |
1989 |
Magic Bytes / Magic Bytes
Ninja Mission |
1987 |
Mastertronic / Mastertronic
The Ninja Warriors |
1989 |
The Sales Curve, Random Access / Virgin Mastertronic
Nobunaga's Ambition |
1988 |
Koei / Koei
The North Sea Inferno |
1990 |
Parsec, Lizell Design / Magic Bytes
Obitus |
1990 |
Scenario Developments / Psygnosis
Off Shore Warrior |
1988 |
Titus / Titus
One On One |
1985 |
Digital Creations / Electronic Arts
Onslaught |
1989 |
Realms / Hewson
Outzone |
1991 |
Lankhor / Lankhor
Pac-Land |
1989 |
Mr Micro / Grandslam
Pac-Mania |
1988 |
Teque Software Development / Grandslam
Pang |
1990 |
Ocean / Ocean
Paradroid 90 |
1990 |
Classic, Graftgold / Hewson
The Paranoia Complex |
1989 |
Magic Bytes / Magic Bytes
The Pawn |
1986 |
Magnetic Scrolls / Magnetic Scrolls
The Persian Gulf Inferno |
1989 |
Parsec / Innerprise
Phantasie III - The Wrath of Nikademus |
1987 |
Westwood Associates / Strategic Simulations, Inc.
Pink Panther |
1988 |
reLINE, Micropartner / Magic Bytes
Pioneer Plague |
1988 |
Terrific Software / Mandarin
Pipe Dream |
1989 |
The Assembly Line / Lucasfilm Games
Pipe Mania!! |
1989 |
The Assembly Line, Lucasfilm Games / Empire
The Plague |
1990 |
Innerprise / Innerprise
Projectyle |
1990 |
Eldritch The Cat / Electronic Arts
Purple Saturn Day |
1989 |
Exxos / Exxos
Qbic |
1992 |
Ronald Pieket Weeserik / Public Domain
Qix - The "Computer Virus" Game |
1989 |
Alien Technology Group / Taito
Quartz |
1988 |
Firebird / Firebird
A Question of Sport |
1988 |
Elite / Elite
Questron II |
1988 |
Westwood Associates / Strategic Simulations, Inc.
Quest for Galaxia |
1993 |
Railroad Tycoon |
1990 |
MPS Labs / MicroProse
Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 |
1990 |
Graftgold / Ocean
Rainbow Warrior |
1989 |
Source The Software House / Microstyle
Realms |
1991 |
Graftgold / Virgin Games
Return To Atlantis |
1988 |
ISD / Electronic Arts
Rick Dangerous |
1989 |
Core Design / Firebird
Roadwars |
1987 |
Arcadia Systems, Walker & Hodgson / Melbourne House
Roadwar Europa |
1987 |
Westwood Associates / Strategic Simulations, Inc.
RoboCop |
1989 |
Ocean / Ocean
RoboCop 2 |
1990 |
Special FX / Ocean
Rodland |
1991 |
Storm / The Sales Curve
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II |
1991 |
Koei / Koei
Rotor |
1989 |
Systematics / Arcana
The Saddam Hussein Game |
1991 |
Dwagon Computers & Software
Sarakon |
1991 |
Starbyte Software / Virgin
The Second World |
1990 |
Magic Bytes / Magic Bytes
Seven Cities Of Gold |
1985 |
Electronic Arts / Electronic Arts
Shadow of the Beast II |
1990 |
Reflections / Psygnosis
Simulcra |
1990 |
Graftgold / Microstyle
Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon |
1987 |
Master Designer Software / Cinemaware
Skyblaster |
1989 |
Skyfox |
1986 |
Electronic Arts / Electronic Arts
Sky Fox II - The Cygnus Conflict |
1988 |
Dynamix / Electronic Arts
Space Ace Demo |
1989 |
ReadySoft / ReadySoft
Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe |
1990 |
The Bitmap Brothers / Image Works
Speedboat Assassin |
1989 |
Mastertronic / Mastertronic
Spherical |
1989 |
Rainbow Arts / Rainbow Arts
Sphericule |
1990 |
The Assembly Line, Blue Turtle / U.S. Gold
Spike In Transilvania |
1991 |
Genesis Software / Codemasters
Spy vs Spy |
1989 |
First Star Software / Wicked Software
Spy vs Spy - The Island Caper |
1989 |
First Star Software / Wicked Software
Spy vs Spy - Arctic Antics |
1989 |
First Star Software / Wicked Software
Starglider |
1987 |
Argonaut Software / Rainbird
Star Goose! |
1988 |
Logotron / Logotron
Star Wars - Return of the Jedi |
1988 |
Consult Computer Systems / DoMark
Steve Davis World Snooker |
1989 |
Artworkz, Binary Design / CDS
Stormlord |
1989 |
Hewson / Hewson
Strider |
1989 |
Tiertex / U.S. Gold
Stuart Smith's Adventure Construction Set |
1986 |
Fantasia Systems Inc. / Electronic Arts
St Dragon |
1990 |
Random Access / Storm
Super Hang-On |
1988 |
Software Studios / Electric Dreams Software
Super Huey |
1987 |
Electronic Design Group / Cosmi
Supremacy - Your Will Be Done |
1990 |
Virgin Mastertronic, Probe Software / Melbourne House
Swords of Twilight |
1989 |
Free Fall / Electronic Arts
Sword of Sodan |
1989 |
Discovery Software International / Discovery Software International
S.D.I |
1986 |
Cinemaware / Master Designer Software
Temple of Apshai Trilogy |
1986 |
Westwood Associates / Epyx
Tetra Quest |
1988 |
Michtron / Microdeal
Thunder Blade |
1989 |
Tiertex / U.S. Gold
Time Lock |
1993 |
The Power Unit / Boeder Software
Time Machine |
1990 |
Vivid Image / Vivid Image
Tom & Jerry |
1989 |
Magic Bytes / Magic Bytes
Tom & Jerry 2 |
1989 |
Magic Bytes / Magic Bytes
Typhoon Thompson in Search for the Sea Child |
1989 |
Dan Gorlin Productions / Brøderbund
Unreal |
1990 |
Ordilogic Systems / Ubi Soft
U.N. Squadron |
1990 |
Tiertex / U.S. Gold
U.S.S. John Young |
1990 |
Maitai Entertainment / Magic Bytes
Vaxine |
1990 |
The Assembly Line / U.S. Gold
Vectorball |
1988 |
Binary Design / Mastertronic
Victory Road |
1988 |
Micro Wish / Imagine
Warhead |
1989 |
Motion Picture House / Motion Picture House
The Way of the Little Dragon |
1987 |
Parsec, Micro-Partner / reLINE
Will Harvey's Zany Golf |
1988 |
Sandcastle / Electronic Arts
Wings of Death |
1990 |
Eclipse / Thalion
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood |
1986 |
Sierra On-Line, Disney Personal Computer Software / Sierra On-Line, Disney Personal Computer Software
Winter Challenge |
1988 |
Tynesoft / Tynesoft
Winter Olympiad 88 |
1987 |
Tynesoft / Tynesoft
Wizard Warz |
1987 |
Canvas / Go!
Wizball |
1987 |
Sensible Software / Ocean
World Darts |
1987 |
Arcadia Systems / Mastertronic
World Games |
1987 |
Westwood / Epyx
World Tour Golf |
1988 |
Tanager / Electronic Arts
Zitrax |
1988 |
Dimmen Productions / Public Domain
Zynaps |
1988 |
Microwish / Hewson