Action (old)
From ExoticA
Action [old] (-1992)
- The Swatch Man (Henning Schmidt, aka TSM, later TRSI, 08/90)
- ???
- Bansai (code, 01/90)
- Blackthorne (ger? Michael Poldner, music, 08/90)
- Brainbuster (Frank Götz, code, 01-10/91)
- Dreamer (code, 01-10/91)
- MCPoint (Stefan Rittner, code gfx, 08/90-early91)
- Mogli (Mark Schrader)
- Peachy (Magnus Hironimus, code gfx music, later 01-10/91)
- X-Man (gfx, 08/90)
Group History
Action was a mainly German demo and cracking group that contained a lot of future German scene celebrities, most of which ended up in TRSI. Just a few names; The Swatch Man, Blackthorne, Dreamer and none other than Peachy!
- 1992
- The group dies early in the year (one of the first four months).
German musician S-Sex (early91-10/91) joins Digital.
Rage left.
Techno-One joined Amaze.
Eddie and Ice joined Agile.
Party Invitaion (1990, .08, ECS Dentro)
- Credits
- code: MCpoint
- gfx: X-Man
- music: Blackthorne (introsong)
- Info
- Invitation to WHAT party?
Action BBS & Members (1991, .01, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code: Bansai
- gfx: n/a
- music: "Poormouth" by ???
Megademo Preview (1991, 21.01, demo)
- Credits
- code: Dreamer, BrainBuster, Lynxx/Panic (vectorroutine)
- gfx: Zack Brewster, Stage4, Peachy
- music: Zack Brwester, Stage4, Peachy "Shake It - Stage4" (4ch StarTrekker format)
- Info
- Cooperation with Vamps.
BBS Demo (1991, ECS File)
- Credits
- code: Dreamer, BrainBuster
- gfx: Zack Brewster, S-Sex
- music: Zack Brewster, Peachy (song)
'F15 II Preview' crackintro (1991, intro)
- Credits
- code: TSM
- gfx: n/a
- music: n/a
Confrontation (1991, 02.03, ECS File)
- Credits
- code/gfx: MCPoint
- music: S-Sex
- Info
- Released for the demo competition at the Treacl-Panic party.
Autum Conference 2 Invitation (1991, .07, ECS File)
- Credits
- code: Brainbuster
- gfx: Peachy
- music: Peachy (NoisePacker 2 format)
Action Menue 2.0 (1991, .10, Intro)
- Credits
- code: Brainbuster, Peachy
- gfx: Peachy
- music: "Intro-Synth" by Peachy (4ch MOD format)
Worldness X (1991, 20.10, ECS Demo)
- Credits
- code: Dreamer, Brainbuster
- gfx: Peachy, S-Sex
- music: "WNsong00" by ???
- Info
- Released for the demo competition the Action Conference II.
Logo Mania (1992, .01, Trackloaded Slideshow)
- Credits
- code: S-Sex
- gfx: various
- music: n/a
We are Dead (1992, .12, Demo)
- Credits
- code: Dreamer, BrainBuster
- gfx: Peachy
- music: "R-Type" by Chris Huelsbeck/independent (TFMX format, ripped)
- Info
- Released under the S!P label.