Amnesia (c64)
From ExoticA
Amnesia (AMN, 1990-)
HOL> Calypso (Terry Wntinck, crack gfx swap, ex also in F4CG, Silicon, Alpha Flight 1970, 01/93-12/97), Dr. Will (05/93), Light (05/93), Riggs (05/93), Seal (05/93), Viking (05/93), Wizvis (05/93). GER> Bizarre (also in Trance, 12/92-05/93), Firefly (new 02-05/93), Slayer (05/93). FIN> Radical (ex Wrath, also in Astral, new 02-05/93). DEN> O'Neill (music, ex Starion, new 12/90). ???> Artix (ex Success, new 09/93). Amnesia was formed in december of 1990 by danish musician O'Neill, formerly from Starion. The group also features other ex-Starion members. 1992 - Bizarre joined Amnesia as his second group (he is also in Trance) in december. 1993 - Calypso changed groups from F4CG to Topaz Beerline in january, all the while retaining his double membership in Amnesia. Firefly joined from Vagabonds around february. Radical joined from Wrath around februrary, and joined Astral as his second group in may. Calypso finished his army service in may. Artix joined from Success in september. 1997 - Calypso left his second group Alpha Flight 1970 late in the year.