From ExoticA
HOL> Compyx (code, early 93), Jayce (code, early 93), Mirage (gfx, ex Legend, new early-12/93), PDB (gfx, early 93), TDJ (Marco Frankel, code swap, early 93), X-Byte (code, early 93). NOR> Geir Tjelta (music, new early 93). ???> Hein (gfx, 12/93), JVD (music, 93-02/94), Sander (gfx, 12/93). Focus was a demo group, based in holland. 1991 - Early in the year, swapper Compus left for Censor. 1993 - Morris and Digiblaster (ex Jinx) started Focus on the Amiga early this year, and are working on a demo. Beyond Reality (1993, early, demo). code: X-Byte, TDJ, Compyx, Jayce, gfx: PDB, music: JVD, MSK, GM, ALD; HP. info: 5 parts, scored 80% in Fairlight's "Reformation #2".