Genesis (old)

From ExoticA

Genesis [old] (1990-)



Group History

Genesis was an illegal cracker group based in the UK, who were born by Scott, Action Man and Mr.E from Oracle and N.O.M.A.D and Infiltrator from Scoopex in September 1990 . They did a few releases in cooperation with Angels and Defjam.

I guess when three of their crackers (N.O.M.A.D, Mr.E and I.B.M) and one important sysop (Scott, 'DULCET TONES') joined Angels (which was one of the groups they were in cooperation with) late 1990 it was all pretty much over.

  • Scottish supplier Action Man left to help form Crystal.
  • English Scooter (ex Oracle?) joined Classic old late 90.
  • American sysop Allister Friend ('TOTAL RECALL', ex Oracle old) left.


Jochen Hippel - Some Previously Unreleased (ECS Musicdisk)

Not really a musicdisk, just a disk with the music on. I'm informed one even has to know how to use an assembler to listen to the tunes ;D

White Room (1992, Demo)

Cooperation with Live Act.