Giants (GTS)
Giants is an Amiga demo group.
- Sweden
- Hawk (Niklas Jonsson, mainorg code swap, Triplememb Ambrosia and Darkage 97, 12/96-02/98)
- Iz (ex Beatless, new late95)
- Keldon (Kenneth Fajkowski, swap edit, 12/96)
- Leprechaun (Anders Linqvist, swap, ex Beatless, new late95)
- McPudel (gfx, ex Beatless, new late95)
- Note (Stefan Karlsson, swap, ex Beatless, new late95)
- Rooster (swap, late95)
- Xargion (code)
- Norway
- Mr.X (code, doublememb Instinct [details], 11/97)
- Two-Bit (gfx music)
- Wiseguy (sysop 'OUTER SPACE' EHQ)
- Woober (code music sysop 'ETERNITY' WHQ)
- Zack (gfx swap)
- Finland
- Avenger (org swap, 95)
- Unknown
- Orhan (old handle Firelord)
- Spot (ex Duplo, new late95)
Group History
I always found the Giants slogan 'Giants - We Are Huge' to be rather amusing... News way back in Generation #6 claiming all members had joined Interactive in Germany are probably untrue...except if they all moved to Germany and joined up :) Hawk and one other coder (real name Fredrik Schultz) are the authors of the NES emulator A/NES. Some news said that NEO Norway joined. Any info on who this involves? Their old homepage,, appears to have gone down.
- 1994
- Crusader released his second ascii colly "Seven Wayz" in August.
- 1996
- The Swedish twins Candyman and Crusader (doublememb Epsilon Design) both joined Session in June. A 4k intro was their only competition entry at The Party 96, but they also released the first issue of their chartmag "NightTrain" at this party.
- 1997
- ROM #9 reported that Wizard had stepped down as main organizer, and handed the job over to Hawk. The coder, graphician and musician (04/96-) joined Digital Corruption later in the year.
- Coder Sublet joined Planet Jazz 97.
- Norwegian raytracer and swapper Thrym (09/96) terminated his membership to be in Massive only 97.
- After a big cleanup in 97, Bon (nor R. Nyheim, org swap pack, 12/96), Malakai, Fugazi (swe Robin Forsberg, swap, ex Beatless, new late95), Dwangi (Christian Johansson, swe swap, late 96), Groover, Tyneo (nor gfx), Sway and D-Coy (swe org music) were all asked to leave the group. The reason was inactivity, and failing to keep in touch with the rest of the group.
- Elusive (ex Yodel) left to help form New Age a few days before Remedy 95.
- Numen and Speed Devil left for X 06/96.
- Norwegian Crack left the scene 06/96.
- Norwegian musician Cope joined Apathy 06/96.
- Ali joined Interactive.
- Norwegian Shorty joined Network.
- See Giants/Reviews for personal reviews for these releases.
Megademo (1990, .06, ECS Megademo)
Fade To Black (1996, 05.04, 4k Intro)
- Credits
- Code
- Wizard
- Info
- 6th in The Gathering '96 4k intro competition.
Free Entrance (1996, 26.05, Demo)
- Info
- 6th in the Icing '96 demo competition.
4Kb (1996, 28.12, AGA ?MB 4k Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Orbit (main)
- Wizard
- gfx
- Orbit
- music
- Wizard
- Info
- 9th in The Party 96 4k intro competition.
NightTrain #1 (1996, 28.12, Chartmag)
- Credits
- code
- n/a
- gfx
- n/a
- music
- n/a
- editor
- Info
- Released at The Party 96.