
From ExoticA
This page is an initial import from Scenery 2.99. Please add additional details and update the layout. For a layout example please take a look at the Horizon Page or for a more complicated page please take a look at the IRIS Page (But make sure you use the correct category as IRIS is an Amiga Group. Once the page is updated and you feel it constitutes a well laid out page please remove this notice.


AUT> The Edge (crack, 12/89), The Slayer (crack, aka TSL, 12/89), Vamp
     (crack, 02/89).
GER> Zeron (swap, old handle Extasy, 07/90).

Lazer were a cracking group, based in Austria but with divisions in at least
  1989 - The German section joined Manowar in november.
  1990 - Mavil and Jesus joined from Trust in july. Former german hq Design
left to help reform Tristar in august. Extasy changed his handle to Zeron
around august, after complaints from the GROUP Extasy. Mavil and Jesus' stay
was short; they took Jean with them and joined the reformed Acid around
  1991 - Charlie left for Depredators around january.