Oxyron (c64)

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Oxyron (OXY, 1991-, http://www.oxyron.de)

GER> Fanta (Alexander Rotzsch, music, new 95-01/04), Graham (John Selck,
     code, new 12/91-01/04), RRR (gfx, new 92-01/04).
POL> Cactus (Pawel Bol, code editor, also in Padua, 11/02-01/04).


GER> Andre (Andre Schroeder, gfx music swap, also in Antic, 09/92-03/93),
     Axis (Michael Hillebrandt, code, new 12/91-04/98), Dave (D. Voigt,
     music, 12/91-early93), Ecstasy (swap, 03/92), Ego (Florian Stumpe, new
     12/91-03/93), Fuben (Fuben Tajbakhsh, code music, ex Chromance, new
     95-02/98), Machine (swap, 06/92-03/93), PRI (Volker Meitz, music swap,
     also in The Imperium Arts, new 92-09/96), Scrapper (Sascha Petersen, ex
     Blaze, code swap, new 02/93-mid94), Slide (code, new 12/91-03/93), TTS
     (Michael Piepgras, code edit swap, new 12/91-95), Yazoo (Michael
     Kopacek, mainorg gfx edit swap, 12/91-03/93).
DEN> Biz Kid (Jesper Jørgensen, editor, ex Blaze, new 02/93-mid94), Caprix
     (code, new 05-06/92), Kirk (Tommy Pedersen, gfx, new 05/92-05/93).
NOR> Sodan (Espen Maier, swap, new 12/91).
???> Asmodis (gfx, 03/93-01/95), Crosshead (swap, 03/93), Cruiser (modem,
     03/93), Exstasy (06/92), Leacher (modem, 03/93), Septic (modem, 03/93),
     Sony (new 12/91), SP (06/92), Vogue (ger? gfx, 06/92), Wingo (06/92).

Oxyron are a German demo group, formed in late december 1991 by the best
members of Gloom. The founding members were Yazoo, Ego, TTS, Sodan, Graham
(ex Mad), Amarok, Dave, Axis, Slide and Sony. Yazoo was elected leader.
Their birth was announced in their first demo, Coma Light [12/91], shortly
after the group was formed. The ninth issue of Yazoo's mag "Pravda" (which
was known as "Monthly News" under Gloom) was also released at the same date.
  After the ex-Blaze members joined, 'Addybook' became an Oxyron production.
Machine and Scrapper are brothers! PRI's original handle was Panorama Inc.
  1992 - After two months of solid coding, painting and composing, the group
made the long travel to sweden to release the 16-part demo "Coma Light 4"
[04/92] for the competition. Though the demo featured some excellent
effects, it came in at a disappointing 4th position. TTS also brought the
first issue of his own mag, "Scene Observer #1" [04/92] with him to release
at the party. In may (or very early june) danes Kirk (gfx) and Caprix (code)
joined from Topaz. An internal meeting for the group was held near Flensburg
in early june, where the group worked on their upcoming big demo "Coma Light
5" as well as releasing the demo "Fantasia" [06/92] made up of parts that
got left over from the preparation of that demo. "Coma Light 5" is supposed
to be released at the Hurricane and Brutal party in Denmark at the end of
june. In december german musician Pri joined The Imperium Arts as his second
  1993 - Released in june, was a total redesign of Bodycount's mag
"Vandalism News #10" [06/93] by RRR. TTS lost interest in "Scene Observer",
and announced around june that the mag was now a dead project. Amarok ended
his double membership in august, to be in Topaz only.
  1994 - Musician and Addybook-editor Peace (ex Blaze, new early93) left the
group for Noice in september.
  1995 - German coder and musician Fuben joined from Chromance late this
year, likely around september-november. Two demos were prepared for The
Party at the end of december, Graham's "Dawnfall" (which came in 2nd) and
Oxyron's four-year anniversary celebration demo, which unfortunately was not
ready in time for the competition deadline.
  1996 - In april the group traveled to Symposium 96, where they finally
released their delayed "Four Years Oxyron" - originally to have been a
collaborative effort, but now purely Fuben's work - which earned them 3rd
place in the competition. The group's second demo of the year, Fuben's
"ReLIGHTening", was supposed to be released just before the Assembly in
august, but was delayed until september. Fuben says 'wait for Graham's new
demo!', but no such demo materializes in the remaining months of 1996.
  1997 - At The Party in december, Graham and Fanta with the help of
Deekay/Crest, released the demo "One-Der" [12/97] to the 2nd place position
in the competition, beaten only by Smash Designs' landmark demo "Second
Reality". The demo was a big step back for a group that was considered
inactive for a large part of the preceding year.
  1998 - At the Mekka Symposium in april, Graham released the demo
"Krestyron" in cooperation with Crest, featuring Axis' first c64 code in a
LONG time! =] It ended up third in the competition.
  2000 - Graham was heavily involved with the release of Crest's Mekka
Symposium 2000 winner demo, "Deus Ex Machina" [04/00].

  Coma Light (1991, 23.12, Multifile Demo, 1 diskside).
  code: TTS, gfx: TTS, Yazoo, music: unknown.
  review: Oxyron's first demo - and their first of many Coma Lights - is in
  many ways an essential part of 'recent' c64 demoscene history. As we now
  know, this group would grow to legendary proportions as one of the very
  best c64 demo groups ever. This first effort is a mixed bag, coded
  entirely by TTS, with the best part - hands down - the one with the
  hires FLI splits and cool music. By the way, they've gone and committed
  the almost masterpiece-like act of not knowing the author of a SINGLE ONE
  of the music pieces they've chosen for their demo! But overall, this demo
  is not terrible and not terrific.
    The disk also includes a note, written with Notemaker, explaining the
  group's formation in more detail, as well as some credits. No information
  whether this was released at a copy party, but the release date (one day
  before christmas) would seem to indicate it was not. [glenn]

  Pravda #9 (1991, 23.12, Multifile Diskmag, 259 blocks).
  INT - code: Axis, gfx: Yazoo (logo), music: n/a.
  MAG - code: TTS, gfx: Yazoo (logo, fonts), music: n/a, editor: Yazoo.
  review: The decision to release this mag for OXYRON must have been taken
  at the last minute, because only the intro linked in front of it claims
  that this is anything but a Gloom production. They do admit it themselves,
  but I feel it needs repeating: This is an extremely lame mag. There is
  nothing at all to recommend this, nothing even remotely interesting to
  read. This was the first issue in 5 months, and it feels extremely
  sloppily put together. [glenn]

  Extended Plasma (1991, .12, Demo).

  Burn It (1991, 28.12, Demo).
  11th? in The Party 91 demo competition.

  Coma Light 2 (1992, .02, Demo).

  Coma Light 3 (1992, .02, Demo).

  Coma Light 4 (1992, 19.04, Demo).
  code: TTS, Graham, Slide, gfx: Yazoo, TTS, Ego, Elegance/Enigma, music:
  Dave. 4th in the Easter Conference 92 demo competition.
  review: For the prestigious competition at Light and Phenomena's Easter
  Conference, Oxyron came with this massive two disk-sides, 16-part demo.
  We'll walk you through the demo part-by-part; all music is by Dave, so we
  didn't bother specifying that for each and every part.
    part1 - This is really just a graphics part, a background pic slowly
  appears mosaic-style, and a scroller at the bottom of the screen. Nice but
  unspectacular. code by TTS, graphics by Yazoo.
    part2 - The second part, dubbed "calculated colorcycling", is much
  better. This is an effect we've seen many times before on the amiga, where
  - if memory serves right - it is referred to as a "Keftales-effect", after
  the demo where it first appeared, Kefrens' "Keftales" [06/90]. It's hard
  to describe, but imagine hires patterns that are colorcycled... Anyway, it
  looks smashing. code by Graham, graphics by Dave (logo) and Yazoo (char).
    part3 - 160 DYPP Plasma is the theme of the next part, an effect I
  honestly haven't seen anywhere else. It looks best from a distance, and is
  perhaps a slightly limited effect. code by TTS, graphics by Yazoo.
    part4 - 40x12 Chars FLI Plasma in 16 colors is the theme of this part,
  and it's the best yet. This is the kind of plasma effect we'd like to see,
  just great use of colors. The best part in the demo. Code by TTS, graphics
  by Yazoo (logo) and TTS (char).
    part5 - This is a part I don't exactly know what to make of... It's
  called simply "Fractal", and renders what is probably a fractal-based
  greyscale image, but it's not the usual fractals. This looks more like
  those fractal-based landscape generators I used to love fooling around
  with when I first got an amiga. It looks most of all like slowly generated
  voxels, really... Hmmm. code by Graham, graphics by Yazoo.
    part6 - A realtime FLI X-Rotator graces this part, which has a b&w
  picture by Ego of a man with a gun gracing the lower half of the screen.
  What the title essentially refers to though, is the other half =) It's
  basically an FLI zoomstretcher, with words being zoomed and stretched.
  This part could have looked better.
    part7 - Slide's one and only part in the demo is actually really great!
  After an introscreen detailing the credits and a logo by Elegance/Enigma,
  we get to the real deal: 40 rastersplits, done fullscreen, making a
  gigantic waving rasterbar. It looks just smashing, and is the second best
  part of this demo. Code by Slide, graphics by Elegance/Enigma.
    part8 - This part features a "vertical fli parallax", or more to the
  point: Waving vertical lines scrolling in parallax. It just doesn't look
  nice enough, and so the visuals bring this part down. Code by TTS,
  graphics by Yazoo and TTS.
    part9 - This part warns of a long, 16 second decrunch before it starts.
  What it presents are interference circles, an effect that somehow gained
  amazing popularity following the release of Spaceballs The Party-winning
  amiga demo "State of the Art" [12/91]. There are two instances here, side
  by side, and not much else. Nice music. Code by Graham, graphics by Yazoo.
    part10 - This is the turn disk part, just animated sprites and a disk
  mapped onto a ball - all telling us to turn the disk around =) Code by
  TTS, graphics by Yazoo (logo) and TTS (animations).
    part11 - The first part of the second diskside presents us with the
  ever-popular vectors. This part aims to combine filled and wireframe, with
  some filled triangles on the left hand side and a wireframe object on the
  right. Refreshingly, some colors are used on the wireframe model. An OK
  part. Code by TTS, graphics by Yazoo (logo) and TTS (charset).
    part12 - 16 Sideborder FLI bars are presented here. It's perhaps not the
  slickest-looking part in the world, as Graham openly admits, but still not
  among the worst.Let's hope he makes more of the routine in the future.
  Code by Graham, graphics by Yazoo (logo) and Dave (charset).
    part13 - 8-color hires colorcycling behind a logo plus 2-color
  trailblazer effect. As for the colorcycling, this looks... not the best =)
  It's just shades of red and yellow scrolling in a half-circle through a
  logo, hardly the most advanced effect ever. For those not familiar with
  the term 'Trailblazer effect', it hails from the classic game of the same
  name, and is essentially a checkerboard scrolling towards the viewer. Code
  by Graham, graphics by Yazoo (logo) and Dave (charset).
    part14 - This part features twin bob-circle-scrollers. The circlescroll
  effect has been done before, and better than this. This feels like a
  filler part. Code by TTS, graphics by Yazoo (logo) and TTS (sprites).
    part15 - The second-to-last part, this features a really great plotter
  routine, presenting a 576 plot globe. I suppose this eats every last bit
  of rastertime, since this part features NOTHING else; no graphics. Code by
    part16 - The endpart again features TTS' plotroutine, this time only
  presenting 272 plots in order to leave some rastertime for other effects.
  Very nice, melodic music in this part. Code by TTS, graphics by Yazoo.
    Please note that there are versions of this demo floating around the net
  WITHOUT the enclosed note file; these are probably party versions, copied
  without being finally packaged by Oxyron. The note file was written after
  the party (it carries the results of the demo and graphics competitions),
  and was done in Facenoter with music by Dave/Oxyron. The official painted
  disk cover was prepared by Elegance/Enigma. [glenn]

  Scene Observer #1 (1992, 19.04, diskmag).
  code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: n/a, editor: TTS.
  Released at the Easter Conference 92.

  Coma Light 4.5 (1992, .05, Demo).

  Fantasia (1992, 06.06, Multifile Demo).
  code: Slide (part1), Axis (part2), TTS (part3), Graham (part4), gfx:
  Yazoo, Kirk, Slide, Vogue, music: Bappalander/Light (part1), Iron Cat/TRC
  (part2), Drax (part3), Dave (part4).
  review: "Fantasia" is a demo made up of parts that were got left over
  during the preparation of the groups next big demo, "Coma Light 5". It was
  released at an internal Oxyron meeting near Flensburg in northern Germany.
  A notefile is enclosed, written in Facenoter, with detailed credits.
    The first part (part1) is pretty basic, with an OXYRON logo at the
  bottom and a FANTASIA logo at top (both by Yazoo) with the latter having
  rasterbars bouncing inside - what they call 'RGB Rasters'. Code by Slide,
  music by Bappalander/Light.
    Next (part2) is a plasma effect, what they call 'Rolling hires-fli-
  plasma'. Not much more to say about this part, code by Axis and music
  (cover version of Tip and Mantronix' "Musiklinjen" from Phenomena's amiga
  demo "Enigma" [03/91]) by Iron Cat/TRC.
    Then (part3) comes something they title 'fractals', but which in reality
  is an animation of a fractal-based terrain generator. It's very small,
  very grey, and not very stunning. Code by TTS, music by Drax.
    A much better plasma part (part4) follows, this time by Graham, with
  super-smooth colors. An ok logo by Vogue is also here, with music by Dave.
    672 sinusplots (part5) every two frames is the next effect, but this one
  bugs severely, and they should have waited before releasing it, IMHO.
  Code by TTS, music author is not known.
    The last part (part6) is also one of the better ones, presenting two
  lightsourced bobspheres, with 128 realtime bobs. They warn us that there
  are routines in the upcoming "Coma Light 5" that will beat this easily...
  Code by TTS, music by Dave. The entire show is rounded off with one last
  'part', which is a white noise generator, like when there is no more
  transmittion to your tv.
    As they mention themselves, this demo is just leftover parts from the
  development of "Coma Light 5", but some parts - especially Graham's plasma
  - are still ok. An ok demo, and a nice taster before the upcoming big
  one... [glenn]

  Coma Light 5 (1992, 28.06, Demo).
  5th in the Hurricane and Brutal Summer Party 92 demo competition.

  Coma Light 6 (1992, .08, Demo).

  Coma Light 7 (1992, .09, Multifile Demo).
  code: TTS, Axis, Graham, gfx: RRR, TTS, Yazoo, music: The Syndrom/TIA,
  Gaston/TIA, Andre (2 tunes), Dave, Rob Hubbard (ripped).
  review: The 7th CL is not their best, but still contains some worthwile
  routines, some nice tunes and some passable artwork. The routines are not
  very innovative, mostly FLI-based amiga color manipulation stuff. There is
  a certain professionality to what they do though, but perhaps the artwork
  could have done with a little more imagination...and TTS should perhaps
  leave the logodrawing to RRR :) Among the music, Dave's tune for the mail
  box part was pretty cool.
    The release date is based on the last recorded date in the demo, 08.09,
  which was found in one of the notes in the note part. We suppose it was
  released not long after. No indication within the demo if it was released
  at a party or not. There is a note enclosed, done in Facenoter, with all
  the credits repeated. It's really unnecessary, since they're all plainly
  visible while decrunching the next part in the demo itself... [glenn]

  Fantasia 2 (1992, .10, Demo).

  165 Blocks Scrolltext (1992, .10, Demo).

  PRI Sound Collection (1992, .10, Music Collection).

  Pix's Hits (1992, .12).

  Coma Light 8 (1992, 28.12, Demo).
  Winner of The Party 92 demo competition!

  Out of Coma (1992, 28.12, Demo).
  Released at The Party 92.

  Fantasia 3 - The Dustbin (1993, .02, Demo).
  code: TTS, Graham, Axis, gfx: RRR, Yazoo, music: PRI, Andre.

  Back In Town (1993, .02, Demo).

  Out of Coma 2 (1993, .02, Demo).

  Coma Light SQR 71 (1993, .03, Demo).
  code: TTS, gfx: TTS, RRR, music: Andre, Pri.
  information: This demo consists of the parts that were deemed 'not good
  enough' for Coma Light 9. 4 parts, 89% in Reformation #2.

  Skyhigh #2 (1993, 12.03, Multifile Diskmag).
  INT - code: n/a, gfx: Biz Kid (logo, 2x2 font), music: "Sweet Dreams" by
  MAG - code: Yedo/ex Ozone, gfx: Biz Kid, music: n/a, editor: Biz Kid.
  review: After a mediocre intro with an ok logo (and a Eurythmics cover
  version ;]), we are launched into the second issue of Sky High - and the
  first for Oxyron (issue #1 was released under Ozone). Editorially, this is
  a pretty uneventful issue; apart from the usual sections (editorial, news,
  charts, contacts, boardnumbers, spread the word (party invitations and
  messages), reactions and biz mix - only interviews with Luka/Trance
  Designs and Chris/Asphyxia are on offer. Perhaps not the two most exciting
  sceners in the world to interview... No offense to either of them, but
  they can hardly be called sceners that have made any real impact. The
  loader also deserves a mention; it's not particularly fast, and could
  really have benefitted from a boost. The moving logo is, as always, a mild
    The news that Hitmen are dead were slightly exaggerated. News that
  Elwood, Mr.Fantasy and Joe had left Emotion were likely inaccurate; the
  group was likely Motion - without the E. Though the editor says not to
  regard this mag as an Oxyron mag, since the group already published so
  many at this point, it is indeed the mag's correct home, so... We'll be
  putting it here. ;) The credits are sadly lacking; f.ex no coder is
  credited for either the mag or the intro (we just happened to know it was
  Yedo for the mag, since we've read the first issue), and no musician is
  credited for the mag music. [glenn]

  Pix's Hits 2 (1993, .04, Demo).

  Coma Light 9 (1993, 25.04, Demo).
  Winner of the Data-Live Conference 93 demo competition!

  Coma Light 9 and a bit (1993, .05, Demo).

  Coma Light 10 - Vector Light (1993, 30.05, Multifile Demo).
  credits: See review.
  5th in The Computer Crossroads 93 demo competition.
  review: With the tenth CL, the hugely successful Oxyron posse now decided
  to end the vector craze by doing every single variation in the book over a
  single demo. The result was a mixed bag, with some good parts and others
  that were less so. The demo opens with an intro part with a nice "Coma
  Light X" logo by Kirk, and which culminates in a scroller and a wireframe
  vector rendition of what is probably supposed to be some buildings. Code
  by Axis and TTS, graphics by Kirk and Biz Kid, music by PRI.
    The next part has been dubbed 'floating vectors', which is really a
  routine where some dots are spacecut into a filled vector square. Not all
  that impressive, guess I've seen this too many times on the amiga =) Code
  by TTS and Axis, logo by Kirk, chars by RRR and music by PRI.
    Something a little better comes next, with 'Filled FLI Vectors'. This
  filled object has seven colors at the same time, with lightsourcing, and
  eventually even morphs into a 'glenz' object. I say 'glenz' because real
  glenz has some TRANSPARENT sides, not just taking them away so that we see
  through it, like here. code by TTS, logo by Biz Kid, music by Peace.
    A textscreen precedes the next part, what they call '207 doublesinus
  multicolored fullscreen shadeplots'. In reality this just means generating
  nice patterns =) Code by Axis, charset by RRR, music by Peace.
    The most impressive part of the demo follows, 3d vector projections!
  This means a vector object is projected onto two walls at the same time as
  it is displayed in the middle of the screen! Hard to decribe, but looks
  real good! :) Joycontrol assures us it's realtime. Code by TTS, charset by
  RRR, music by Peace.
    Another hugely impressive part follows, a realtime filled rubber vector!
  Now there's one effect I never expected to see on a c64 =) Code by Axis,
  logo by Kirk, char by RRR and music by Peace.
    Something hugely unimpressive comes next, in the form of a big, blocky
  4x4 vector object. Don't do that again, TTS. Music by Peace.
    The third of the real good parts then comes, a dotlandscape inside a
  part which also sports a real nice logo by Kirk. This one's real nice!
  Code by TTS, gfx by Kirk and music by PRI.
    Only one part remains then, the endpart. This features a bitmap - or as
  we amiga sceners would say, texturemapped - vector. The vector itself is
  not very big, the effect is not very goodlooking or fast, but at least
  it's been done... Code TTS, gfx Kirk, music PRI.
    Their claims that they will enter this demo in the democompetition at
  TCC 93 (29-31.05) seems unlikely, given the quality of the demo versus the
  fact that they are NOT among the top 4 on the resultlist. Therefore the
  whereabouts of the release of this demo remains a mystery... [glenn]

  Once Upon a Time (1993, 30.05, Demo).
  Released at The Computer Crossroads 93.

  Xalt Xacerbation (1993, .07, Demo).

  Peace Music-Show (1993, .10, Demo).

  Crazy Inside (1993, .10, Demo).

  Coma Light 11 (1993, 28.12, Demo).
  5th in The Party 93 demo competition.

  Coma Light 12 (1994, .07, Demo).

  Lameness Rules (1994, .11, Demo).
  code: TTS, Axis, Graham (landscape generating), gfx: Caprice Design/Plush,
  Sinister/Extacy, RRR, music: Pri, Fanta/Plush, unknown (endpart).
  2nd in the Tribute Party 94 demo competition.
  review: This is a demo thrown together in 22 hours at a party from loose
  routines, but still manages to impress me. For my money, this delivers
  more plain entertainment than the winning demo (World of Code 3 by
  Byterapers) ever did. It opens on a funky note, with a good intro that
  sets the mood - great music, and a great logo for the demo before we load
  the first part. It's an impressive texturemapped tunnel, done in 16 colors
  on an FLI screen! Need I mention it looks great? Then on to the next part,
  the worst in the demo. It features a really BAD piece of headache-inducing
  techno by Pri, and a slow texturemapped cube with a woman's face on it. I
  understand the need to fill the demo with something, but PLEASE... It does
  end on a high note however, with the very best part of the demo: An actual
  voxelspace routine on the c64!!! Taking up a little over 1/3 of the
  screen, and with a great logo by RRR beneath it, this fast little baby is
  a showstopper! I don't know, but it may be the very first instance of this
  on the c64, am I right? Three out of four good parts is better than most!
  This one rules, get it!
    The demo occupies one whole diskside, including a note done with
  Facenoter by Cellux/Faces (the version that's improved by Devil/Noice),
  which includes uncredited music by Pri (perhaps some older, already used
  tune). Anyway, the note includes the full credits. Oh, and by the way - I
  sat for a small eternity waiting for the first real part with the black
  background and the text explaining what it will contain. I never actually
  thought to press the spacebar to start it... :p [glenn]

  The Masque (1994, 28.12, Demo).
  Released at The Party 94.
  info: Amazingly, this great demo was LOST by the organizers at TP94, and
  hence not shown on the screen :(

  Sky High #14 (1994, 28.12, Diskmag).
  Released at The Party 94.
  info: This was the last issue released under the Oxyron label; subsequent
  issues were released under Camelot.

  Parts (1995, .04, Demo).
  NOT released at X95.

  Dawnfall (1995, 28.12, Filedemo).
  code: Graham, gfx: Biz Kid/Camelot, Sire/Lego [amiga], music:
  Jeff/Camelot. 2nd in The Party 5 demo competition.
  review: Graham has obviously been watching Amiga demos. In this one he
  reenacts a lot of classic effects from the Amiga scene - and quite a few
  that I certainly thought were impossible on the C64! The design of the
  demo is quite nice, and good graphics and music add further to the
  polished feel. The code is also among the best I have ever witnessed on
  this platform. The way Graham seems to be able to squeeze seemingly
  impossible effects from the humble C64 seems almost like magic. Some of
  the effects on offer here - in GREAT, SMOOTH, GOODLOOKING FASHION - is the
  classic "Optimum Fuckup" effect from the Sanity demo of the same name,
  zooming chessboards, amazingly smooth simultaneous zooming and
  sidescrolling multicolor logo... I could go on, but by now I guess you've
  understood how much I love this demo :D Except for the intro and endparts,
  a blue Oxyron logo stays at the bottom of the screen for the entire time
  the demo plays. The endpart has a different music, and an upscroller over
  a realtime generated fractal pattern. The entire demo (amazingly just a
  single file!) runs from start to end without any user interaction, just
  like any Amiga trackmo. The endpart mentions hidden screens, but I haven't
  been able to find any. An amazing demo! [glenn]

  4 Years Oxyron (1996, 07.04, Multifile Demo).
  code: Fuben, gfx: RRR, music: see review.
  3rd in the Symposium 96 demo competition.
  review: "4YO" is a demo with a long and crooked road towards release.
  Originally prepared for release at The Party 95 (when it WOULD have been
  four years since Oxyron was born!), the group did not manage to finish it
  before the deadline. It was somewhat changed from that incarnation before
  its actual release, and what was originally a collaborative effort from
  three coders (Axis, Graham and Fuben) ultimately became a Fuben solo
  project. All parts can be loaded and started individually, should you wish
  to, and apart from the intro you need to press space to progress through
    The demo opens with an atmospheric sound, almost like the swoosh of the
  ocean, before more synthetic sounds appear as well as a zoomrotator. It
  rotates the letters O - X - Y - R - O - N, then just shows us it can
  stretch too, before it goes away. We get several upscrolling logos,
  revealing the the words OXYRON - PROUDLY PRESENTS - 4 YEARS - A DEMO
  PERFORMED BY AXIS, FUBEN, GRAHAM, PRI, RRR. Of course, Axis and Graham did
  NOT work on this incarnation of the demo, as the note explains. The music
  for this part is "Other Side of the Cloud" by Pri (in 1994), and after the
  last logo has scrolled off the screen the demo autoloads the second part.
  (part2) This features a very nicelooking effect, dubbed 'colorplasma'. It
  is surrounded by a picture by RRR (could've been better), and the music is
  "Azzjazz" by Pri. A pretty cool part! Fuben mentions in the note that the
  same effect was previously done by Graham in his demo "Dawnfall" [12/95].
  (part3) Then we're shown a 'julia-morpher' (looks a little like watching
  amoebas in a microscope =D) in a part with a pretty good OXY-over-cliffs
  logo at the right hand side. The music is "Dry Jam" by Pri, done in 1995.
  (part4) The next part is dubbed 'metamorphosis' which means morphing white
  shapes to you and me. This part is also nicely done, but suffers from the
  long time it takes to precalc each morph, and it therefore quickly gets
  boring waiting a long time for a relatively small payoff. There is an
  original, brown logo by RRR at the bottom, which frequently has the words
  'calculating' overlaid... =P The exclusive music is "Funky Nonnepis" by
  Drax and Metal/Vibrants, but was apparently originally composed as far
  back as 1993... (part5) Next is another of these endless 'fire'
  variations, and it seems Fuben agrees with me that this is NOT the best
  example of this effect. There is no design, just the  (nearly) fullscreen
  effect and the exclusive music by KB/TOM and Reflex, done in 95. (part6)
  The next part is a straightforward fractal generator, first for the
  mandelbrot set, and if you press space, for the julia set as well. It
  looks like a good, fast implementation. Fuben mentions in the note that
  this part is quite similar to parts done by TTS in "Coma Light 11"
  [12/93]. The music in this part ALSO carries the title "Dry Jam" by Pri,
  but it is NOT the same tune as in part 3! (part7) Then there is only the
  endpart left... It features a rendition of the 'mermaid' picture,
  immortalised on the amiga by Hof I believe, but originally by one of the
  fantasy artists, probably Boris Vallejo. Anyway, this is a nice rendition
  for the 64, and it's nice to see a full picture from RRR every once in a
  while :) But after a short while they start scrolling an unreadable scroll
  over it, which is a real shame... Anyway, the scroller follows the
  original plan and says this demo should/was released at The Party 5... Why
  they didn't change the entire creditspicture I can understand, but why
  this text was not corrected is more of a mystery to me... Just admire the
  pic while you can, then. Press space and you just get a screen saying 'the
  end'. Music in the final part is a nice melodic tune done by the coder of
  the demo himself, Fuben!
    A selfcoded note by Fuben accompanies the demo, with more exact credits
  for each part than appears inside the demo itself, and an explanation to
  the faulty credits and release information contained in it as well. The
  note features music called "Langnese" by Fanta. The note mentions there
  are three hidden parts in the demo. [glenn]

  ReLIGHTening (1996, .09, Multifile Demo).
  code: Fuben, gfx: RRR, music: Drax/Vibrants, Fanta, Link/Vibrants,
  Shogoon/Taboo, Pri.
  review: "ReLIGHTening" is an 8-part, oldskool (space for next part) demo
  coded entirely by Fuben, and while it contains some technical finesses, is
  unfortuntately not an outstanding example. I will break the parts down
  individually, and let you decided for yourself. Almost all part allows you
  to turn of the music with the CBM key, to allow the routines the extra
    part 1 - The intro is very well designed, and sets a good mood for the
  rest of the demo. It opens with a picture of a skull and a pentagramm
  before a nice Oxyron logo 'explodes' and we get to see the title of the
  demo. This is followed by credits (which omit Pri's credit, though he is
  mentioned in the note). Music by Pri.
    part 2 - Goraud cube with color dithering, which is in 4x4 pixel
  resolution and painfully slow. Music by Drax/Vibrants.
    part 3 - Presents us with plasma-mapping, that is a plasma effect mapped
  onto a vector cube. Again this is painfully slow, and not too pretty.
  Music by Shogoon/Taboo.
    part 4 - The next part gives us what they call IFS-Fractals, which
  basically means a mathematical routine that plots shapes onto the screen,
  like leaves etc. It's not a bad effect really, but perhaps not one for
  actionfreaks :) Good music by Link/Vibrants.
    part 5 - This claims to be the first ever realtime phong/environment
  shader on the c64, and claims that the phong torus in Profik's "Fatal
  Error" was NOT realtime. Either way, it's nice to see some innovation, but
  not when it's SLOOOOOOW and not really all that pretty to look at...
  There's a choice of two objects. Music by Pri.
    part 6 - Next is 'dotvectors', presenting us with some standard shapes
  we've all seen before - you know, the torus, the duck... =) Not a bad
  part, with a really unusual logo by RRR.
    part 7 - Then a relief bumpmap routine, which is nicely done, but as he
  admits in the note they are not the first - it wass already done by
  Mr.Sex/Byterapers. Music by Fanta.
    part 8 - The final part presents us with a vector cube with a rendition
  of the mandelbrot fractal set texturemapped onto it. This is flanked by a
  good logo, a scroller (unusual for this demo =), and another piece of
  music by Fanta.
    The demo was not released at a party, and no clearer release date than
  'september' is given. It is accompanied by a notefile (code: Fuben, gfx:
  RRR (logo), Skud/Chromance (char), music: Fanta) with a real annoying tune
  on it, but otherwise nicely done. Nice proportional font and userfriendly
  design - and an OK logo too! Overall this demo is no classic, but a nice
  example of people still trying their hardest to push the limits of the c64
  architecture with new effects. [glenn]

  One-Der (1997, 28.12, Demo).
  code: Graham, gfx: Deekay/Crest, music: Fanta.
  2nd in The Party 97 demo competition.
  review: Pressing all this into a single file is an amazing feat! "One-Der"
  (read it quick and it's wonder), has top-notch effects through three
  parts, plus an embedded note. We start with the demo. The first thing you
  face is a note/demo selector, so we press D for the demo. The first bars
  of the music plays, before a "One-Der" logo appears. Then a blue Oxyron
  logo appears instead, with what seems like a bumpmapping routine overlaid
  - the effect is rather cool! Above the logo, the names Graham - Deekay -
  Fanta appear, only to explode to either side after a small while... Then
  we get a small block of great plasma in the middle of the screen, with the
  word 'decrunching' overlaid. An impressive opening sequence. The music is
  named "Challenger/106".
    The second part opens with a fire effect, before one of the most
  technically impressive gouraud shading routines I've ever seen. It's fast,
  beautiful, and just stunning for this machine. Though the demo itself
  makes no mention of it, you can press your joystick (port 2) button here,
  and get access to a cool usermode!! I guess this a secret part, then ;)
  The next screen has an OXY logo down the righ hand side, with the rest of
  the screen occupied with 'water-simulation' effects (ripples, etc.). These
  are (naturally) done in blue, and all look dead impressive. Next appears
  what Graham claims is a record breaking routine; 246 vectorplots in
  realtime and fullscreen, and even a usermode is possible to demonstrate
  the full power of the routine. Then finally for this part, we are shown
  some vertical rasters (or parallax bars, as he calls them) while
  decrunching the endpart. The music is given the odd name "Orimar DNA
    But the REAL candy is saved for the endpart... It offers the best
  realtime Wolfenstein routine I have ever seen on the c64, all controllable
  with the joystick! In fact, the only drawback with this part is perhaps
  the color schemes for the textures, which IMHO could have made the part
  look better if they were a little more realistic... but these are just
  details, and the routine shines no matter what I think of the color scheme
  =) The music is named "Trip To Nowhere/105".
    And finally, we get to the note. It's a selfcoded affair, with an Oxyron
  logo over a textplotter, nicely enough done. It also features a sideways
  scrolling starfield in the background. The signature on the logo certainly
  does not look like Deekay's, though... Hmm. The music is called "Bemme Mit
    But overall there is no question that "One-Der" is an impressive demo
  that belongs in any collection, and is made doubly impressive by the fact
  that it was all squeezed into a single file! Just great. [glenn]

  Krestyron (1998, 12.04, Demo).
  code: Graham, Crossbow/Crest, Axis, gfx: Deekay/Crest, FCT/Crest,
  Cupid/Crest, music: Mitch & Dane/Crest.
  3rd in the Mekka Symposium 98 demo competition. Cooperation with Crest.
  review: "Krestyron" is a small, 3-part (one for each coder) demo made in
  cooperation with Crest. It's a technical accomplishment, though is perhaps
  a little boring at times... But let me walk you through it! It all opens
  with an short intro, 'OXYRON in association with CREST' etc, before the
  first real part begins. (part 1) Coded by Graham, this is supposedly the
  biggest 1x1 plasma ever done on the c64 without cheating. At a resolution
  of 96x177 in 7 colors it is quite an accomplishment, though perhaps more
  so technically than visually. A few more pixels in any direction won't
  matter so much to the casual viewer. (part2) The next part is done by
  Crossbow/Crest, and features the best vertical rasters done yet. Attempts
  at this effect has been done previously, of course, but not at this size
  and with this many colors. The scroller at the bottom of the screen
  contains a long, technical breakdown of how it is done, if you're
  interested =] (part 3) That leaves only the final part, which is also the
  most visual of the three. Feturing Axis' first c64 code in a long time (in
  itself cause for celebration), this features a greatlooking multicolored
  zoomscroller, and a cooperation Oxyron logo (Deekay, FCT, Cupid) at the
  bottom of the screen. Press space and you get a big THUMBS UP before a
  final credits screen. All music in the demo by Mitch and Dane. The demo is
  a single 166 block file. [glenn]

  Coma Job (1998, .10, Demo).
  Released at X98! Cooperation with Crest.

  Coma Job 2/3 (1998, 28.12, Demo).
  3rd in The Party 98 demo competition. Cooperation with Crest.

  Attitude #5 (2003, 05.04, Diskmag).
  INT - code: Britelite/Dekadence, gfx: RRR/Oxyron (logo), Deev/Onslaught
        (picture), Scarab/Samar (fonts), music: No-XS/Slash Design.
  MAG - code: Cactus, Fenek/Arise (additional), Sensei/Arise (irq loader),
        gfx: RRR (logo), Colitt/De-Koder (picture), Phobos/Samar (fonts),
        music: "iSol" by Vip/Cyberzound/Padua, "AudioMan" by Agemixer/
        Skalaria, "Mysterious Energy" by Orcan/React, "Brutal Clubbing" by
        Smalltown Boy/MSL, "Anna Stiina" by No-XS/Slash Design and "For
        Attitude #5" by Jammer/MSL/Samar, editors: Cactus (main), Commander/
        ROLE, Jailbird/Booze Design, Puterman/Fairlight, Alias Medron/Padua/
        Samar, HCL/Booze Design, Krill/Plush (guest), nd!/Alpha Flight 1970
        (guest), RRR (guest).
  review: After a stylish intro by Britelite, we are taken to the fifth
  issue of what is shaping up to be Vandalism News' main competitor for 2003
  on the diskmag scene. This issue was originally to be released in january
  or february, but with the strains of studying taking its toll, it comes
  out now - slightly delayed, but still very very welcome :) The mag code is
  the same as last time, with some minor bugfixes and a fast proportional
  font displayer. Also new since last time is Jailbird/Booze Design, who
  joined the editorial team of the magazine. The magcode works well, with
  and a stable-feeling irq loader at the heart of it all, making sure there
  are no big delays in the reading process. The music is of an overall high
  quality, but I especially liked the tunes by No-XS...plus SmallTown Boy's
  one, since it got me obsessed with where I heard that melody before! For
  the record, I still can't remember... :( Editorially, this mag contains
  party reports from FLaG 2002, Radwar 2002, reviews of the demos from North
  Party 7 and some recent diskmags, two programming articles called
  "Mathematics in Assembly part 3" and "Proportional Scrollers", "The Mixer"
  which contained an extremely interesting article concerning Horizon's
  whereabouts today, and interviews with Fungus/Nostalgia, Dane/Crest and
    Attitude strives to present _good_ text, something that is sometimes
  seemingly overlooked in other mags. The text is concise, to-the-point,
  entertaining and compact. Not least it is well-written and with a good
  selection of articles, all of which are interesting. A wholly recommended
  read. All music for this edition was naturally completely exclusive.

  Attitude #6 (2003, Diskmag).

  Attitude #7 (2004, .01, Diskmag).