Remembers, The
From ExoticA
Remembers, The (TR)
SWE> Zyron (Johan Åstrand, code music swap, also in Antic and Swemix, 12/94). AUT> Maverick (Reinhard Franz, swap, 12/94-01/95), Mr.Alpha (Mario Berghold, code, also in F4CG, 12/94). ???> Bungalow (12/94), Harzak (gfx, also in Antic, 12/94), H-Bloxx (12/94). The Remembers later became the group Nostalgia. Sidburners #1 (1994, 28.12, Musiccollection). code: Zyron, gfx: Zyron (intro), Harzak (collection), music: David Whittaker (intro), various (main). Released at The Party 1994. review: In their own words; "A collection of 60 golden 64 songs - all relocated at $1000, with init at $1000 and play at $1003." Everything was ripped and relocated by Zyron and Mr.Alpha. Presentation-wise this is nothing too extraordinary, and coding-wise it's not much either. But for sheer nostalgia, it rules ;] Nothing to impress your friends with, but for a trip down memory lane this offers a great collection of classic sids. I have used some codes to diffrentiate the rippers and the number of subtunes in each rip; MA = Mr.Alpha, ZY = Zyron. Clear? Goodie ;] The tunes ripped and relocated this time are; "Ace II" by Rob Hubbard (MA), "Armalyte" by Martin Walker (MA), "Aztec Challenge" by Paul Norman (ZY+MA), "Barrys Boxing" by John A. Fitzpatrick (ZY), "Battle of Britain" by Rob Hubbard (ZY+MA), "Bazooka Bill" by Greg Holland (ZY), "Beer Tapper" by unkown (ZY), "Blue Max" by Stephen C. Biggs (ZY+MA), "Breakdance" by unknown (ZY), "Bump Set Spike" by Rob Hubbard (ZY+MA), "Burger Time" by Chris Cox (ZY), "Charles" by Charles Deenen/Maniacs of Noise (??), "Cobra" by Ben Daglish (MA), "Commando" by Rob Hubbard (MA+ZY), "Cybernoid I" by Jeroen Tel/Maniacs of Noise" (MA), "Cybernoid II" by Jeroen Tel, "Draconus" by Adam Gilmore (MA), "Dreamzak" by unknown (MA, from an old Lukullus demo), "Escape From New York" by unknown (MA), "Falcon Patrol II" by unknown (ZY), "Fame On The Run" by Holly/F.A.M.E. (MA), "Fist II" by Greg Holland (ZY), "Gerry The Germ" by Rob Hubbard (MA, aka Fruitmix), "Ghettoblaster" by unknown (ZY), "Hunter's Moon" by Matt Gray (ZY+MA), "I- Ball" by Rob Hubbard (ZY), "IK+" by Rob Hubbard (MA), "Irisis" by Rob Hubbard (MA), "Iron Lord" by Jeroen Tel/Maniacs of Noise (MA), "Last Ninja 1:1" by Ben Daglish (MA), "Last Ninja 1:2" by Ben Daglish (MA), "Last Ninja 1:3" by Ben Daglish (MA), "Lightforce" by Rob Hubbard (MA), "M.O.N.- tune" by Maniacs of Noise (MA), "Mario Bros" by Fred Gray (ZY+MA), "Masters of Magic" by Rob Hubbard (ZY), "Morpheus" by Rob Hubbard (MA, ripped from Beyond Force's Morpheus demo), "Nemesis The Warlock" by Rob Hubbard (MA), "Old Melody" by Rob Hubbard (MA), "Omega-Writer" by unknown (MA), "Rasputin" by Rob Hubbard (ZY+MA), "Red-Tune" by Red/Judges (MA), "Robin Hood" by unknown (MA), "Rocky Horror Show" by unknown (ZY), "Sabre Wulf" by unknown (ZY), "Shadow Skimmer" by Neil Baldwin (MA), "Shadowfire" by Fred Gray (ZY+MA), "Spellbound" by Rob Hubbard (ZY+MA), "Spy vs Spy III" by unknown (ZY), "Star Soldier" by unknown (ZY), "Starquake" by unknown (ZY), "Strikeforce" by Diflex/Level 99 Industries (MA), "Super Pipeline" by unknown (ZY), "Thing On A Spring" by Rob Hubbard (MA), "Unknown" by Rob Hubbard (MA), "Usagi Yojimbo" by Greg Holland (ZY), "Warhawk" by Rob Hubbard (ZY+MA), "Western" by Rob Hubbard (crashes display), "Wonderboy" by unknown (ZY) and "Zoids" by Rob Hubbard (MA). [glenn]