From ExoticA
Resource (RSC,
HUN> Da Blondie (music, aka DB, also in Wish!, 06/99), Edhellon (code, 06/99). ???> AMN (gfx, 06/99), Flimbo (hun? gfx, 08/97), Oswald (code, 06/99- 01/04), Roy (music, also in Replay, 08-09/96), Splash (hun? gfx, 08/96-08/97). Resource is a demo group, based in hungary. Reflection (1995, .08, Slideshow). Winteractive (1995, 02.12, Demo). 2nd in the Liquid 95 demo competition. Manga Overdose (1996, .01, Slideshow). Inhumanity 2 (1996, .01, Dentro). Inhumanity 3 (1996, 01.09, Demo). Winner of the AntIQ 96 demo competition! Animate (1996, 12.10, Demo). Winner of the Pie Slice 96 demo competition! Daze (1996, 28.12, Demo). 3rd in The Party 96 demo competition. Out of Daze (1997, 05.04, Demo). Split winner of the Scenest 97 demo competition! Void (1997, 28.12, Demo). 3rd in The Party 97 demo competition. info: Cooperation with Coma. Dentro (1998, 22.08, Demo). Winner of the AntiQ 98 demo competition! Suffering 20% (1999, 30.01, 4k Intro). Third in the Contest 99 4k intro competition. Room 2 (1999, 04.04, 4k Intro). code: Edhellon, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. Split 7th in the Mekka Symposium 99 4k intro competition. 60's Revival (1999, 06.06, Demo). code: Edhellon (intro, linking), Oswald (parts), Dasheele/Smash Designs (irq loader), gfx: AMN, Poison/Singular (endpart logo), music: Da Blondie. Winner of the Fuck-Ya 2 demo competition! review: Certainly a "psychedelic experience" as they call it, this does have a 60's feel to it. It is, however, really short and not really impressive. This is more a novelty than anything else, though I did like the bumpmapped scroller at the end, which seems quite fast and good. The demo comes with a note on the disk, saying it was thrown together in less than a week in order to keep the Fuck-Ya demo competition from being cancelled. It was not only the winner of the competition, it was also the only entry. Please note that what is reviewed is supposedly the 'bugfixed version'. The accompanying note was coded by Clarence, with charset and music by Con. [glenn] Soiled Legacy (2001, 23.11, Demo). code: Oswald, Krill/Plush (loadersystem), gfx: n/a, music: n/a.