Richard Joseph (format)

From ExoticA

General Information

(C) 1992 Millennium. By Alan McCarthy and Andi Smithers for Vectordean, hence the reason this format is also know the Vectordean format.

The RJP1 player/editor was written on an amiga 3000, it was fully multi-taskable and intuition based. The work was originally started by Alan Mcarthy, he started the initial frame work to the editor, then I took it over : created the replayers, soundeffect channels, and specialised effects with waveforms being able to modulate waveforms, sequencers, channels etc. For instance in one game the entire soundeffects and music score was around 30k. The replay code was basically used in a multitude of game from Sensible, Renegade and Bitmap Brothers last time I spoke with them, they had ported the code to PC's and the editor was being used for many years after the Amiga stopped shipping titles. In 95 they were still using it, and I believe Mike Montgomery of Bitmaps, ported the code to PC.
- Andi Smithers

Technical Information

File Prefix/Extension

Deliplayer source code here.

A protracker clone version also exists.

AMoRE description available here (Markus).



Music in the UnExoticA collection


Game Year Team / Publisher
Aquatic Games - Starring James Pond and the Aquabats 1992 Vectordean / Millennium
Brutal Football 1993 Teque / Millennium
Brutal Football (CD³²) 1994 Teque / Millennium
Cannon Fodder 1993 Sensible Software / Virgin
Cannon Fodder 2 1994 Sensible Software / Virgin Interactive
Cannon Fodder (CD³²) 1994 Sensible Software / Virgin
The Chaos Engine 1993 The Bitmap Brothers / Renegade
The Chaos Engine 2 1996 Renegade, The Bitmap Brothers / Time Warner Interactive
Crazy Football 1993 Teque / Millennium
Diggers 1993 Millennium Interactive / Millennium Interactive
Diggers (CD³²) 1993 Millennium Interactive / Millennium Interactive
Extractors - The Hanging Worlds of Zarg (Preview) 1994 Millennium Interactive / Millennium Interactive
Flight of the Amazon Queen 1995 Renegade, Interactive Binary Illusions / Time Warner Interactive
James Pond 2 - Codename RoboCod 1991 Vectordean / Millennium
James Pond 2 (CD³²) - Codename RoboCod 1993 Vectordean / Millennium
James Pond³ - Operation Starfi5h 1994 Vectordean / Millennium
James Pond³ (CD³²) - Operation Starfi5h 1994 Vectordean / Millennium
Mr Blobby 1994 Millennium / Millennium
Rome AD 92 1992 Millennium / Millennium
Ruff 'n' Tumble 1994 Wunderkind / Renegade
Sensible Golf 1995 Sensible Software / Virgin Interactive
Sensible World of Soccer 1994 Sensible Software / Renegade
Sensible World of Soccer 95/96 1995 Sensible Software / Renegade
Sensible World of Soccer 96/97 1995 Sensible Software / Renegade
Sensible World of Soccer Euro '96 1996 Sensible Software / Renegade


Demo Year Group / Party
No Richard Joseph demo music in the archive
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