Super Swap Sweden

From ExoticA
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Super Swap Sweden (SSS, -1988)

SWE> Badger (code, 05/88), Dean (code, 05/88), Fun (05/88), Kjer (code,
     05/88), Koulo (05/88), Levithan (gfx, 05/88), Natas (05/88), Sanke
     (05/88), Shaggy (05/88), The Alchemist (05/88).

Super Swap Sweden merged with Thundercats into Horizon 09/88. It is as of
yet uncertain what members came along, but names like Badger, Kjer (later
Horizon) and not least The Alchemist (later Triad) are of course well

  Contribution (1988, 14.05, Demo).
  code: Kjer, Badger, Dean (intro), gfx: Leviathan, music: ripped.
  Released at the Agile/Rebels Copy Party.
  review: An average demo by SSS. There's not much in the way of original
  graphics, but thankfully they haven't given in to ripped game screens
  either. No musicians are credited, though, so most of that is probably
  ripped. The coding is also average, with not much in the way of advanced
  routines. The best stuff is some nice raster stuff here and there, and the
  graphics manipulation in the second to last part. Average. The demo is a
  single file, and contains six demo parts. [glenn]