From ExoticA
This page is an initial import from Scenery 2.99. Please add additional details and update the layout. For a layout example please take a look at the Horizon Page or for a more complicated page please take a look at the IRIS Page (But make sure you use the correct category as IRIS is an Amiga Group. Once the page is updated and you feel it constitutes a well laid out page please remove this notice.

XAKK (-1990)

???> Knatter (music).

Xakk was a swedish demogroup. Among their other demos, of which I have only
a small amount of information yet, are "Microsleep", "No Booze", "No
Sleep", "No Sleep 2" and "Waking Up".
  1990 - After releasing their final demo "Bound to be Best 2", the group
decided to leave the c64 for the amiga scene around june.

  Bound To Be Best 2 (1990, Demo).