Zone 45

From ExoticA
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Zone 45 (Z45, 1989-)

SWE> Izor (swap, 07-10/90), Matrix (swap, 03/89).
???> Maniac (ex Choice, new 02/90), Scorpio (03/90).

Zone 45 was a swedish demo group, born early 1989 after the group Sector 90
changed their name.
  1990 - Maniac joined from Choice around february. Scorpio left for Paragon
in march, but reconsidered and returned to Zone 45 after a short while. The
swedish board 'ENDLESS DREAM' was opened around july. The group went into
cooperation with Rizing around august, before most members of Zone 45 merged
with Rizing to create the new group Omega in december.

  Legendary Style 2 (1990, Demo).
  Cooperation with Rizing [details].

  Jesus Vill Bota (1990, Demo).
  Cooperation with Rizing [details].