Future Composer (amiga)
fc13/fc14 : Future Composer
(C)1990. By Supersero of Superions.
General Information
4 voices. Sample & synth instruments. Note & instrument transposition. Volume and Frequence modulation. Portamento, Pattern break. Based on a Jochen Hippel routine.
Technical Information
Official distributions : 1.0, 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4
Editors, Docs, Mans, 1.0-1.3 replay, 1.4 replay, instruments and modules here.
Formats : V1.3, V1.4 (L Clévy), v1.0-v1.4 (T Neumann).
- AmigaOS
- DeliTracker
- EaglePlayer
- MultiPlayer (Bryan Ford)
- Windows
- DeliPlayer
- Oldsk00l (C Sørensen)
- StSound (A Carré)
- Linux
- fcplay and XMMS plug-in w/ src ! (M Schwendt)
- UADE (H Orsila & M Doering)
- BeOS
- APlayer (T Neumann)