Lost In Translation/Crazy Balloon

From ExoticA
Out Run (Arcade version)
Out Run (Sinclair ZX Spectrum version)

This page is a stub for arcade games that are part of the Lost In Translation series using information based on MAME (version 0.113u2).
For an example of preferred content and layout please refer to Out Run or The Ninja Warriors.

Crazy Balloon
No screen shot.
Manufacturer Taito Corporation
Released 1980
8-way Joystick
1 Button(s)
Main CPU Z80 (@ 3.072 MHz)
Sound CPU Mono
Raster (Vertical)
256 x 224 pixels
60.00 Hz
16 Palette colours
Screens 1
ROM Info 8 ROMs
16,384 bytes (16.00 KiB)
MAME ID crbaloon · crbalon2

About The Game

Crazy Balloon is an arcade video game of strategy and skill! The object of Crazy Balloon is to guide a delicate swaying balloon through a maze of pin wheel obstacles.

You have 4 control buttons and you have the ability to move your balloon in any direction. Don't take too long, because if you are too slow, a bogey man erupts on the screen and forces you to move. Just when you think you have the maze all figured out, pin wheels attack your balloon forcing you to take evasive action.


Released in April 1980.

Also released as a Cocktail model : "T.T Crazy Balloon".

Cabinet and Artwork


Commodore C64 (1983)
Sony PlayStation 2 (2005, "Taito Memories Vol. 2")
Microsoft XBOX (2006, "Taito Legends 2")
Sony PlayStation 2 (2006, "Taito Legends 2")
PC [CD-ROM] (2006, "Taito Legends 2")

The contents of this page are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
The sources used include MAME (version 0.113u2) and history.dat (revision 1.28 - 2008-10-18).
Please see http://www.arcade-history.com for credits.