Lost In Translation/Gun Fight

From ExoticA
Out Run (Arcade version)
Out Run (Sinclair ZX Spectrum version)

This page is a stub for arcade games that are part of the Lost In Translation series using information based on MAME (version 0.113u2).
For an example of preferred content and layout please refer to Out Run or The Ninja Warriors.

Gun Fight
Gun Fight marquee.
No screen shot.
Gun Fight control panel.
Manufacturer Midway
Released 1975
8-way Joystick
1 Button(s)
Main CPU 8080 (@ 1.997 MHz)
Sound CPU Stereo
(2x) Discrete
Raster (Horizontal)
260 x 224 pixels
59.54 Hz
Palette colours
Screens 1
ROM Info 4 ROMs
4,096 bytes (4.00 KiB)
MAME ID gunfight

About The Game

Gun Fight is an arcade video game.

Each player (up to 2 people may play at a time, and you will want to play in 2-player mode), controls a gunfighter. You use a joystick to move up and down, the stick also has a trigger button. While you used a spinner to aim your pistol. Your only goal is to shoot the other player, who is right across the screen from you (who will then fall down and say 'Got Me'). It isn't usually a straight shot, as there will always be a cactus somewhere between the 2 players (it is in a different spot each time you play). Just shoot the other player for points. The game is time based, and not life based. The factory setting is for a 90 seconds game, but this is operator adjustable. The computer opponent is quite easy to beat into the ground with a little practice, but a human opponent is much more challenging.

Additional Technical Information

Strangely enough the game places the joystick in the player's right hand, and the spinner in the players left hand. This is not the optimum setup at all. Very few games since then have put the joystick in the players right hand. So you may have trouble playing this game at first, especially operating the spinner stick with your left hand, as spinner games are usually played with your right hand.


Released in January 1975.

Also released as "Gun Fight [Cocktail Table model]".

Gun Fight, which was designed on TTL-based hardware by Taito, which was adapted to 8080 hardware by Nutting, was the first Japanese title to be licensed for release in America. It was also the first video game to incorporate a microprocessor and the expanded processing capabilities allowed for graphics and game-play much more advanced than "Pong".

Gun Fight was a pretty important video-games innovator. It was the first game ever to have 2 on-screen humans battling against each other at the same time, and as such it's the grandfather of the fighting games that take up most of the floorspace in modern arcades. It also introduced the idea of having separate controls for aiming and moving.

A Gun Fight unit appears in the 1978 movie 'Dawn of the Dead'.


  1. Gun Fight [Upright model] (1975)
  2. Gun Fight [Cocktail Table model] (1975)
  3. Boot Hill (1977)


Designed & Programmed By
Dave Nutting
Tom McHugh

Cabinet and Artwork


Bally Astrocade

The contents of this page are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
The sources used include MAME (version 0.113u2) and history.dat (revision 1.28 - 2008-10-18).
Please see http://www.arcade-history.com for credits.