Lost In Translation/Image Fight

From ExoticA
Out Run (Arcade version)
Out Run (Sinclair ZX Spectrum version)

This page is a stub for arcade games that are part of the Lost In Translation series using information based on MAME (version 0.113u2).
For an example of preferred content and layout please refer to Out Run or The Ninja Warriors.

Image Fight
No screen shot.
Manufacturer Irem
Released 1988
8-way Joystick
4 Button(s)
Main CPU V30 (@ 8.000 MHz)
Z80 (@ 3.580 MHz)
Sound CPU Stereo
YM2151 (@ 3.580 MHz)
Raster (Vertical)
384 x 256 pixels
55.00 Hz
512 Palette colours
Screens 1
ROM Info 19 ROMs
1,638,400 bytes (1.56 MiB)
MAME ID imgfight

About The Game

Image Fight is a vertically scrolling arcade video game shoot-em-up with an original premise. The game's first 5 stages are supposed to be a 'simulation' and serve as training to test the player's abilities. Player's will receive a penalty if their hit-ratio is too low.

Once players have proved themselves on the opening stages, they will progress to the game's last 3 stages, blasting off into space on a mission to destroy the alien vegetation surrounding the Moon's main computer. If the player fails in the mission, they must endure the dreaded 'Penalty Zone'. Features a high level of challenge, a wide variety of weapons and the ability to change speed.

If the player's ship is equipped with one or more red/blue extra guns, pushing both ACTION buttons simultaneously will sling the guns forward in a boomerang-like fashion. This is a powerful and destructive method and can be done an unlimited number of times.


Released in November 1988.

The OF-1 (the player's ship) appears as an unlockable ship in the Sony PlayStation 2 game "R-Type Final".

Pony Canyon / Scitron released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Image Fight : G.S.M Irem 1 - D28B0012) on 21/01/1989.

Tips and tricks

Secret Invincibility

  1. Turn DIP 2-7 ON.
  2. Reset the game with holding Player 2-Button 2 (Speed Change button).
  3. You will be able to start a game with invincibility.


  1. Image Fight (1988)
  2. Image Fight II (1991)


Sound Composer

Cabinet and Artwork


NEC PC-Engine (1990)
Nintendo Famicom (1990)
Sega Saturn (1998, "Image Fight & X-Multiply")
Sony PlayStation (1998, "Image Fight & X Multiply")
FM Town Marty
Sharp X68000 (1990)

Soundtrack Releases

Album Name Catalogue No. Released Publisher Comments
Image Fight -G.S.M. IREM 1- D28B-0012[1] 1989-01-21 Pony Canyon, Inc. CD version.
Image Fight -G.S.M. IREM 1- 25P5-0012[2] 1989-01-21 Pony Canyon, Scitron Cassette version.
Image Fight 15A3-4[3] 1989-01-25 Alpha Records CD version.


The contents of this page are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
The sources used include MAME (version 0.113u2) and history.dat (revision 1.28 - 2008-10-18).
Please see http://www.arcade-history.com for credits.