Lost In Translation/Zektor

From ExoticA
Out Run (Arcade version)
Out Run (Sinclair ZX Spectrum version)

This page is a stub for arcade games that are part of the Lost In Translation series using information based on MAME (version 0.113u2).
For an example of preferred content and layout please refer to Out Run or The Ninja Warriors.

Zektor marquee.
No screen shot.
Manufacturer Sega
Released 1982
2 Button(s)
Main CPU Z80 (@ 4.000 MHz)
I8035 (@ 208.000 kHz)
Sound CPU Mono
Samples (@ 2.000 MHz)
AY-3-8910A (@ 3.120 MHz)
Vector (Horizontal)
0 x 0 pixels
40.00 Hz
256 Palette colours
Screens 1
ROM Info 29 ROMs
60,480 bytes (59.06 KiB)
MAME ID zektor

About The Game

Zektor is a 2-player, arcade video game shoot-em-up that tasks the player with the liberation of eight cities that have been seized by the evil cadre of alien robots. In order to liberate a city, you must defeat 3 attack waves of fighters and robo-probes. Fighters and robo-probes are often shielded (in red), and each consecutive hit reduces the enemies shield strength, until, when the shield drops, a hit will destroy it. In addition, you will encounter three types of Moboids :

  • Green Moboids spin the players ship on contact, and bounce enemy ships.
  • Blue Moboids bounce all ships.
  • Red Moboids destroy all un-shielded ships (including the players ship).

After defeating three attack waves, the Alien Robot holding that city will reappear within rotating protective rings, through which a 'slot shot' neutralizes that Robot, awarding the player a bonus ship and advancement to the next round.


The last alien is the alien from 1981's "Space Fury".


Each round consists of the three attack waves (sub-rounds), which are scored as follows for each enemy ship destroyed :

Rounds 1 & 2
Round Points
Sub-round 1 200
Sub-round 2 400
Sub-round 3 800

Rounds 3 & 4
Round Points
Sub-round 1 400
Sub-round 2 800
Sub-round 3 1,600

Rounds 5 & 6
Round Points
Sub-round 1 600
Sub-round 2 1,200
Sub-round 3 2,400

Rounds 7 & 8
Round Points
Sub-round 1 800
Sub-round 2 1,600
Sub-round 3 3,200

Tips and tricks

When fighting in 'the city', try to stay in the upper left-hand corner. The city boss will not shoot you there.

Cabinet and Artwork


Sony PlayStation 2 (2006, "Sega Genesis Collection")

The contents of this page are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
The sources used include MAME (version 0.113u2) and history.dat (revision 1.28 - 2008-10-18).
Please see http://www.arcade-history.com for credits.