
From ExoticA

BP : Brian Postma's SoundMon

SoundMon v2.2 Editor

(C)1988-91. Brian Postma

General Information

By Brian himself : "4 channels. 15 instruments which can be samples or synth instruments. Synth instruments can be created with drawing tool and 9 synth effects. Each channel has its own pattern list, patterns can be note- or instrument 'transposed'".

Brian's homepage currently hosts the 2.2 editor and replay 68k sources, a DOS editor and DOS player with x86 sources!, a Win32 player and editor, and .... a Linux player with C++ sources!

Technical Information

SoundMon v2.2 Wave Editor
SoundMon v2.2 Instrument Editor
SoundMon v2.2 Help Screen
SoundMon v2.2 DOS Version

Official : 1.0/1.1/2.0/2.1 editors, doc, man, V1/V2/V3 replays here (?).

Official replays here.

Format : V2 (L Clévy), V2/V3 (S Chipaux, B Postma). DOS version (GUS only).

Editor V1.0 = replay V1, Ed1.1=V2, Ed2.0/2.2=V3.


DeliTracker (B Postma, Defect)
EaglePlayer (B Postma, Defect)
MultiPlayer (Bryan Ford)
Oldsk00l (C Sørensen) Brian's player
Brian's player (with C++ sources!)
UADE (H Orsila & M Doering)
APlayer (T Neumann)

External Links