Game |
Year |
Team / Publisher
1000cc Turbo |
1990 |
Max Design / Energize
1000 Miglia - 1927-1933 Volume 1 |
1991 |
Simulmondo / Simulmondo
1990 |
1990 |
Neudelsoft / Pielago Software
7 Colors |
1991 |
Gamos Ltd / Infogrames
Abracadabra |
1991 |
Coktel Vision / Coktel Vision
Adrenalynn |
1991 |
Exponentia / Exponentia
Agony |
1992 |
Art & Magic / Psygnosis
Airmania! |
1991 |
Addware / Public Domain
Alcatraz |
1991 |
Ikos, 221b / Infogrames
Alianator |
1991 |
AMIGAfun, CT Verlag
Aquaventura |
1992 |
Psygnosis / Psygnosis
Arcade Fruit Machine |
1991 |
Zeppelin Games / Zeppelin Games
Armalyte - The Final Run |
1991 |
Arc Developments / Thalamus
Back to the Future Part III |
1991 |
Image Works, Probe / Konami
Bagitman |
1992 |
Bignonia / Public Domain
Blue Boy |
1992 |
Micromania / Micromania
Bomb'X |
1993 |
MediaGogo / MediaGogo
Bonanza Bros. |
1991 |
Tiertex, Twilight, Synergy / U.S. Gold
Botics |
1990 |
Krisalis / Krisalis
Brat |
1991 |
Tarann, Foursfield / Image Works
Campaign II - 50 Years of Global Conflict |
1994 |
Empire / Empire
Captain Dynamo |
1992 |
Codemasters / Codemasters
Carthage |
1990 |
Psygnosis / Psygnosis
Catch'em |
1992 |
Prestige / Prestige
Coloris |
1989 |
Signum Victoria / Avesoft
Combo Racer |
1990 |
Imagitec Design / Gremlin
Cougar Force |
1990 |
Tomahawk Software / Coktel Vision
Crazy Cars III |
1992 |
Titus / Titus
Crazy Seasons |
1992 |
Proxima Design / Idea
Crazy Sue |
1991 |
Hironymus Jumpshoe
Crazy Sue II |
1992 |
Hironymus Jumpshoe / AMIGAfun, CT Verlag
Crime Time |
1990 |
Starbyte / Starbyte
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy |
1993 |
Synergy, Reflective Designs / Codemasters
Cubulus |
1991 |
Software 2000 / Software 2000
Cybernetix - The First Battle |
1992 |
Vision Software / Vision Software
Cyber Assault |
1992 |
Trojan Software / Trojan Software
Darkman |
1991 |
Ocean / Ocean
Donkey Kong |
1992 |
Bignonia / Public Domain
Dylan Dog - The Looking Glass |
1993 |
Simulmondo / Simulmondo
Elfmania |
1994 |
Terramarque / Renegade
Elvira |
1990 |
Horror Soft / Accolade
Escape from Colditz |
1990 |
Digital Magic Software / Digital Magic Software
Exile |
1991 |
Audiogenic / Audiogenic
F1 GP Circuits |
1991 |
Magnetica Developments / Idea
Face Off |
1991 |
Krisalis / Krisalis
Formula 1 3D |
1991 |
Simulmondo / Simulmondo
Full Contact |
1991 |
Team17 / Team17
Gainforce |
1991 |
Infernal Byte Systems / Infernal Byte Systems
Galactic Warrior Rats |
1992 |
Mikev Developments / Summit Software
Geisha |
1990 |
Tomahawk Software / Coktel Vision
The Godfather |
1991 |
Creative Materials / U.S. Gold
Graeme Souness Vector Soccer |
1991 |
Glyn Humphreys / Impulze
Guy Spy and the Crystals of Armageddon |
1992 |
ReadySoft / ReadySoft
G.P. Tennis Manager |
1991 |
Simulmondo / Simulmondo
Hägar the Horrible |
1991 |
Kingsoft / Kingsoft
Harley-Davidson - The Road To Sturgis |
1990 |
Incredible Technologies / Mindscape
The Hellrun Machine |
Unknown |
Amiga Fun / Amiga Fun
Hero Quest |
1991 |
Gremlin Graphics / Gremlin Graphics
Impossamole |
1990 |
Core Design / Gremlin Graphics
Indigo |
1993 |
Charley Brewster
James Pond 2 - Codename RoboCod |
1991 |
Vectordean / Millennium
James Pond³ - Operation Starfi5h |
1994 |
Vectordean / Millennium
James Pond³ (CD³²) - Operation Starfi5h |
1994 |
Vectordean / Millennium
John Madden Football |
1992 |
Electronic Arts / Electronic Arts
Killing Machine |
1992 |
Coinage / Atlantis
Kiro's Quest |
1992 |
Vision Software / Limal
Klax |
1990 |
Tengen, Teque / DoMark
Last Ninja 2 - Back with a Vengeance |
1990 |
Consult Software / System 3
Leander |
1991 |
Travellers Tales / Psygnosis
Little Puff in Dragonland |
1989 |
Consult Software / Codemasters
Lupo Alberto |
1990 |
Master Axe - The Genesis of MysterX |
1996 |
Axe To Grind Productions / Epic Marketing
MiG-29 Fulcrum |
1991 |
DoMark / DoMark
Neighbours |
1991 |
Impulze / Zeppelin
Nicky Boom |
1992 |
Microids / Microids
Paramax - The Paradoxical Escape to Real Reality |
Unknown |
Kingsoft / Kingsoft
Pharaohs Curse |
1990 |
Bignonia / Public Domain
Powermonger |
1990 |
Bullfrog Productions / Electronic Arts
Predator 2 |
1991 |
Image Works, Arc Developments / Konami
Prophecy I - The Viking Child |
1990 |
DMA Systems Ltd, Imagitec Design Ltd / Wired
Pub Trivia Simulator |
1989 |
Codemasters / Codemasters
Reflexity |
1993 |
Hitech Studio Designs / GT Publishing
Rise of the Robots |
1994 |
Mirage, Instinct Deisgn / Time Warner Interactive
Risky Woods |
1992 |
Dinamic, Zeus Software / Electronic Arts
Roll or Die |
1992 |
Animators / Animators
Rotox |
1990 |
Creative Materials / U.S. Gold
Shadow of the Beast II |
1990 |
Reflections / Psygnosis
Shadow of the Beast III |
1992 |
Reflections / Psygnosis
Snow Bros |
1991 |
Ocean / Ocean
Son Shu-Shi |
1991 |
Sooty & Sweep |
1990 |
Peak Star Software / Alternative Software
Stratego |
1991 |
Imagitec Design Ltd / Accolade
Super Cars II |
1991 |
Magnetic Fields / Gremlin Graphics
Super Obliteration |
1993 |
David Papworth / Public Domain
Switchblade II |
1991 |
Gremlin Graphics / Gremlin Graphics
1991 |
Storm, Random Access / The Sales Curve
Sword of Honour |
1992 |
Hitrack Developments / Prestige, Dynafield Systems
S.T.U.N. Runner |
1990 |
Tengen / DoMark
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Coin-Op! |
1991 |
Probe / Image Works
Tip Trick |
1990 |
Magic Software / Magic Software
Toado |
1993 |
Jim Wills, Simon Foster & Richard Jones
Treasure Trap |
1990 |
Doodlebug Designs Ltd, Emerald Software / Electronic Zoo
Ultima V |
1988 |
Origin Systems Inc, Lord British, DMA Systems Ltd / Mindscape International
Under Pressure |
1991 |
Electronic Zoo / Electronic Zoo
U.S.S. John Young |
1990 |
Maitai Entertainment / Magic Bytes
Warlock the Avenger |
1990 |
Millennium / Millennium
Wing Commander |
1990 |
Origin Systems / Origin Systems
World Championship Boxing Manager |
1990 |
Goliath Games / Goliath Games
Yolanda - The Ultimate Challenge |
1990 |
Vectordean / Millennium
Zone Warrior |
1991 |
Imagitec Designs / Electronic Arts