Anthrox (ATX, 1989-1994)
- Aztech (Music, 03/91)
- Bassline (Music, 91)
- Beast (Sysop ARCADIA, 93)
- Count Zero (Founder)
- Data (Code Swap ex Slipstream, new early 92)
- Deadlock (Gfx)
- Empty (Gfx Swap)
- Firefly (Code, 92)
- Havoc (Gfx)
- Hydro (Founder Gfx Swap CoSysop 'CITY LIMITS', ex ESI, +stopscene+ 94, 89-94)
- Laughing Hyena (Code)
- Mad Axeman (Trade)
- Manx (Trade, 12/91-92)
- Marvin (Sysop 'CITY LIMITS', 12/91)
- M.C.M (Code)
- Mechanic (Sysop 'THE GARAGE')
- Morkie (Gfx)
- Mungo (Trefor, Org Gfx swap trade, 01/90-93)
- Pot-Noodle (Leo Davidson, sysop2 'CITY LIMITS', sysop 'C.A.L.', 12/91-96)
- Raster (Code)
- Retaliator (Dave, Code Swap)
- Ride (Swap)
- Rockworm (Code)
- Rotox (ex Digital)
- Rustic Warrior (Music)
- Shadow (Gfx)
- Skol (Simon, Code Train, ex Slipstream, new early92)
- Sprog!! (Trade 91-93)
- Tantalus (Swap, ex Talent)
- T.D.K (Music)
- Thargoid (Sysop 'HYPERSPACE', old handle X-Act, 10-12/91)
- T.G.R (Code)
- The Imposter (Music)
- Thrash (Code Train Swap)
- Xiphoid Process (Sysop)
- Yobbo (Code Gfx, 03/91)
- Coq Rouge (Gfx Swap)
- Joc (sysop 'NO ORDER', 02/94)
- Kevin Key (Sysop 'FLASHBACK', ex Scoopex)
- Marcus (Gfx Trade)
- The Master (Sysop)
- Trooper (Gfx)
- Killraven (Swap, ex Paradox (new), new late93)
- Mymurth (Sysop 'HYPERSPACE', old handle Case, 12/91-03/92)
- Sigma 7 (Trade)
- Warlord (Sysop 'CELTIC CROSS', ex Platin)
- Flesh (Code crack, ex Angels (new))
- Highlander (Sysop 'PARADISE DREAM', ex Fairlight)
- Dr.Amigo (Swap)
- Fast Eddie (ex Archaos, new pre 07/92)
- Mr.Spinhead (Sysop 'THREE AMIGOS', 03/91)
- Worm
- Lithium & Apex (sysops 'CONSOLERIA', 04/95)
- ICE (Train)
- Kirk (08/92),
- Krimsyn (Sysop 'SPEED BOX', 12/91-04/95)
- Ice Cube (Sysop 'WINDARIA')
- Micro (Scott, Sysop 'REIGN IN BLOOD')
- Nitro (Sysop 'PIRATES CAVERN')
- Picard (Sysop 'USS ENTERPRISE' WHQ, 09/96)
- The Dreamer (Sysop, 03/91)
- Voyager (Sysop 'FASTRAX')
- Warduke (Sysop 'EDGE OF INSANITY', 03/92)
- Winter Mute (Sysop 'MARTYRIUM' WHQ, 03/92)
- ???
- Avatar (Music)
- Black Cat (Crack Train, ex Scoopex, new pre 07/92)
- Cameo (Code)
- Casanova
- Custodian (Code, ex Talent)
- Damien (aus? gfx, 03/92)
- Fluid (Gfx)
- Griffin (Sysop)
- I.O (aus? Code, 03/92)
- Jason (Gfx)
- JHL (Code Crack Train)
- Marco Polo
- Mercy (swe? ex Fusion)
- Rakim
- Red Alert (Supply)
- Ronnie (Gfx)
- Spider (Trade)
- Spock (Code Crack)
- Storm (Code Crack)
- Sub Zero (03/91)
Group History
Anthrox was an English illegal group, born 1989 (though they were announced as a new group in Zine #5, released 06/90). The Amiga section was decleared dead in 1994. However, they remain active on other platforms, and their web site is still at the adress on top of this entry! They were also active on the SNES scene.
Founded in 1989 by Hydro and Count Zero, ATX has always been an illegal group, releasing a fair few cracks and trainers in their time. I briefly visited their website recently, and they now seem to have taken pretty much the same path as Fairlight; selling console copiers legally.
Despite information to the effect in RAW4, Autopsy and Angeldawn/Scoopex did NOT join Anthrox; they both joined The Silents. Check out the info on the board 'HYPERSPACE' for total confusion!
- 1992
- Joker joined Cytax early 92.
- Bassline joined Desire
- The board 'PLEASURE PARADISE' was closed
- Finnish musician Daddy Freddy (ex Spirit) joined Alcatraz Entertainment Software
- Vindex (ex Alpha Flight, new 09/92) joined Spreadpoint
- Exhorder and Horny joined Animators late 95
- Mungo quit the scene in Jan 1993
- Nukeman joined Complex
- Ride quit the scene in 1992
- TDK joined Melon Dezign
- Pothead joined Abandon
- Coaxial joined Accession
- Swedish sysop The Master ('PRESSURE POINT',ex Fusion,03/91) joined 2000 AD
- Danish sysops Chrome and Ghost ('SANCTUARY') stopped all activity due to a HUGE phonebill (pre 07/92)
- Empty joined Spirit late91
- Former Sector 4/Anthrox is now AFL SF 06/91
- Australian coder and trainer Ice (cosysop 'SPEED BOX', ex Punishers), who was once dubbed 'the trainer god', and did over 200 trainers on the Amiga, before he left the scene. He's now working at 'Sprint Enterprises' in Australia, a computer company with several other ex-scene members
- See Anthrox/Reviews for personal reviews for these releases.
Crack Intro (ECS Intro)
- Credits
- Code: Cameo
- Gfx: Ninja/Abandon, Wal (font)
- Music: "Fireballs" by Mantronix (4ch MOD format)
- Info
- Used for 'Metal Law' (Kaiko), crack: Black Cat, announces new members: Rakim, Marco Polo, Highlander. The tune is dated september 90.
Needs KillAGA, still gfx errors! [glenn]
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- see above!
Bobby The Ball (pre 1991, .03)
- Credits
- Code: Yobbo
- Gfx: Yobbo and Mungo
- Music: Aztech
- Info
- Released at the Anarchy copy party in Rotherham (UK) 1991. Came third.
Spread Intro (1991?, ECS File)
- Credits
- Code: Retaliator
- Gfx: Retaliator, Trooper (logo)
- Music: "Think Twice III" by Bug (Future Composer 1.4 format)
Plasma Intro (1991, 10.3, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- Code
- Yobbo
- Gfx
- Trooper (logo)
- Kreator/Anarchy (font)
- Music
- Aztech
Intro (1992, early, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- Code/gfx: Firefly
- Music: T.D.K.
Sploosh (1993, ECS Musicdisk, 3 disks)
- Credits
- Code: T.G.R
- Gfx: Graffiti
- Music: T.D.K. and Bassline
- Info
- Some passwords to try - DAN, TGR, HIDDEN TUNE.
- C.A.L (UK)
- MATRIX (usa, 03/92)
- HEAD TRAUMA (usa, 03/92)
- THE ABYSS (usa, 10/91)
- RED RUM (usa, 03/91)
- TRADE LINE (usa)
- ARCADIA (UK, 93)
- THE GARAGE (UK, 10/91)
- DIAL HARD (swi)
- SYNERGY (ger)
- SLIME CITY WHQ (swe, 03/91)