Ram Jam
From ExoticA
Ram Jam (RJ, 1989-1997)
Ram Jam was a mainly Italian demo group, formed in 1989. They were known for their chartmag "The Charts", which was eventually closed down. Their next project in the same vein, years later, was the magchart "Showtime" which saw a handful of issues released before KaosMaster took the mag to Darkage. Thanks to Vega and Twilek for information!
- Italy
- Dr.G (Fabio Vitale, axcode trade sysop 'THE HOUSE' WHQ, 02/96)
- Kreex (gfx raytrace, new 02-04/96)
- N-Joy (music, 02/96)
- Randy (Fabio Ciucci, code gfx edit, 95-04/96)
- The Trendy Dealer (Eugenio Gori, swap html, 94-02/96)
- Germany
- Fashion (Andreas Keirat, swap, new 02/96-01/97)
- Shamrock (music, ex Frantic)
- Norway
- Mystra (music swap, new 02-04/96)
- Sweden
- Twilek (gfx music)
- Unknown
- Achernar (gfx)
- Fxart (trade, ex Outlaws)
- Ilian (gfx)
- Mr.Buck (code)
- Italy
- Case (Guglielmo Bottin, music)
- Filippetto (Filippo Rizzi, code music)
- Levin (sysop 'ELECTRIC CHAIR', old handles Godfather and Grizzly)
- Hungary
- Messerschmitt (ex Surprise! Productions, new end '94)
- France
- Squale (trade, new mid '93)
- Planet Master (sysop 'THE EDGE')
- Unknown
- Digi
- Duke (ex Damian)
- Lancelot (old handle Asso)
Group History
- 1995
- French swapper Hysteric (Jean-Francis Lopez, early '95) and Pseudonym were both kicked late in the year. Flender, M.A.S.E, Maxime, Posdnuos (ex Backstage, but not alone) and Rocketeer (Italy swap) left late in the year. They did NOT leave the scene, as stated in some mags, but formed a new crew to develop games, called The Spooky Fellows (TSF). All this was in a newsfile I once found on Aminet :) Swedish swapper and organizer Cybergod left late this year, to be a Delight only member again. He later returned to the group (pc/java) as a graphician. New swedish organizers were Klorathy and Payday.
- 1996
- Swedish musician Atheist, who was a Balance doublemember for a while, left to be in Balance only again, early '96. Around the middle of the year, Swedish sysop Nightshade ('WASTELANDS', new 02/96) decided to leave the scene.
- 1997
- The beginning of the year brought some turmoil for the Swedish members. A big fight ensued between Payday and Italian organizer Vega, after Vega had let a Swedish trader (General Lee) join without notifying the Swedish members, and the discussion concluded with Payday (swap sysop), Loop (gfx, ex Vision, new 02/96-), Krustur (code, ex Insane) and Klorathy (code music) all leaving the group for Rebels. Klorathy stayed in the Ram Jam java-section though, and Loop later rejoined under the handle Oyiseer, on a sidenote. Then key members like founder ACBS (code) and main organizer Vega (Giuseppe Galluzzo, swap) left the scene later the same year, and the Amiga section died. Surfing (also in Fairlight and Damones) took over organizing, and much of the group moved on to other platforms. Ram Jam has since released productions for both the java and the pc scene.
- Unsorted
- Italian coder Modem (ex X-Zone) apparently left the group after RJ used his routines without crediting him in their demo "Massive Killing Capacity". He formed a new group called Darkage. Twilek/RJ tells me this is bull, and that Modem was kicked.
- American sysop Slinger ('GRAND ILLUSION') got kicked.
- Italian coder Darkman (ex Zero Defects, 02/96) joined Elven 11.
- Italian raytracer and editor KaosMaster (ex Technology, new early '96-04/96) joined Darkage with the mag "Showtime".
- Jesus and BAR left the Amiga for the PC scene[1].
- Moone (old handle Raiser) left to form Fresh 04/96.
- Rip is no longer a member.
- Italian coder Maverick left, after having produced NOTHING for RJ! 02/96. He is the coder of the two 'Virtual Karts' games.
- Tex (music), Pedro and Van Halien was kicked due to inactivity late '95.
- French swapper Mogul left the scene late '95.
- Frenchmen Guille (code) and Okeanos (gfx music) left with Jibe (gfx swap) for Syndrome.
- Swedish coder Prospect joined C-Lous.
- Italian swapper Gurgle (early '93-late '93) joined Mad Elks.
- Mr.Fear left the scene.
- See Ram Jam/Reviews for personal reviews for these releases.
Can't Be Done (Demo)
Hot Music #4 (1990?, ECS Musicdisk)
- Info
- 8 tunes by BAR with a CD player design.
The Charts #1 (1993, early, Chartmag)
- Credits
- code
- M.A.S.E.
- gfx
- n/a
- Music
- Tex
- code
- n/a,
- gfx
- Deus (title), Jones (logo)
- music
- Tex
The Charts #2 (1993, early, Chartmag)
The Charts #3 (1993, Chartmag)
The Charts #4 (1993, Chartmag)
- Credits
- code
- n/a
- gfx
- n/a
- music
- Hollywood/Jetset
The Charts #5 (1993, 20.07, Chartmag)
- Credits
- code
- Executor
- gfx
- n/a
- music
- Bar
- Credits
The Charts #11 (Chartmag)
- Credits
- code
- n/a
- gfx
- n/a
- music
- "Puzzled" by Clawz
The Charts #12 (Chartmag)
The Charts #13 (1994, late, Chartmag)
Taste The Difference (1994 or pre, AGA, 2 disks)
The Charts #14 (1995, .02, Chartmag)
- Credits
- code
- n/a
- gfx
- n/a
- music
- ??? and Clawz/Bomb! (Prorunner 2.0 format)
The Charts #16 (Chartmag)
- Info
- The last issue released.
Massive Killing Capacity (1996?, AGA Demo, 2 disks)
- Info
- MKC was RJ's first major demo in two years. They used routines by their member Modem without crediting or even telling him![2]. Naturally, he was pissed off and left the group.
Spaceman (1996, Musicdisk)
- Credits
- code
- Acbs, Ranay
- gfx
- Ilian
- music
- En-Joy
Showtime issue #2 (1996, .04, AGA Filemag)
- Credits
- code
- Randy
- gfx
- The Loop, Kreex (title)
- music
- Mystra
- editor
Showtime issue #5 (1996, mid, AGA Filemag)
- Credits
- code
- Randy
- gfx
- n/a
- music
- n/a
Showtime issue #4 (1996, .11, AGA Filemag)
- Credits
- code
- Randy
- gfx
- n/a
- music
- n/a
- editors
- Magic, ACBS