From ExoticA
Rebels (RBS)
Rebels is one of the major players throughout the Amiga demo scene history. They originally formed in 1989 and broke up in 1993 but were resurrected again the following year, thus this page has split sections for the old and new formations.
Old Rebels (1989-1993)
- Denmark
- Alien (03-06/89)
- Assassinater (gfx, 06/89)
- Benefit (new 06/90)
- BJ (founder, 02/89)
- Codex (founder, 02/89)
- Jake (Jacob Schultz, founder mainorg trade pack, 02/89-12/92)
- Jason (founder, 02-03/89)
- Joz (founder, 02/89)
- Malcolm X (Martin Bresson, sysop 'REBEL'S HIDEOUT', new 91-12/92)
- Newton (Morten Rasmussen, code gfx, old handle McFreak Newton, early 90-12/92)
- Obx (founder, 02/89)
- Ozone (Michael Hoffenzets, code, 07/90-12/92)
- Pacman (code trade, later rejoined the reformed Rebels, 12/91-12/92)
- Paleface (code)
- Phalcon (new [1])
- Sundance (code, 07/90)
- Taus (code, 08/89)
- Thrasher (founder, 02/89)
- Uzi (ex Seen/Kefrens, new '90)
- Vandal (Kaspar Roth, founder code, 02/89-12/92)
- Whispers (trade)
- Xod (founder gfx, later rejoined the reformed Rebels, 02/89-12/92)
- Yoyo (founder music, later rejoined the reformed Rebels, 02/89-12/92)
- Zonix (code, new 04-06/89)
- Sweden
- Acro (Tobias Lövgren, code, 12/91-12/92)
- Bratz (Robert Melander, gfx, ex Noxious, 12/92)
- Laric (sysop 'VIOLENT PLAYGROUND' EHQ previously 'THE REBELLION', old handle Mike, 12/91-02/92)
- Mogwie (Johan Köhler, code, rejoined from The Silents, 02/90-12/92)
- Oliver (Henrik Ingeshög, code gfx, 03/92)
- Rizzo (gfx, 02/90)
- Vic (Viktor Edholm, gfx, 02/90-12/92)
- Zaxxan (Robert Hed, modemorg trade, ex Mute 101, 12/91-12/92)
- Finland
- Block (Kari Huttunen, gfx, 12/92)
- Hansie (Hannu Namu Saunalouma, gfx, 12/92)
- The Kid (gfx)
- Zunga (code)
- Germany
- Bruno (Carsten, sysop 'SWAPPERS DELIGHT', 91-12/92)
- Elvin (org sysop 'MASTER AND SERVANT', later rejoined the reformed Rebels, 10/91-12/92)
- Hotstar (trade sysop 'THE NEW STATION', ex Cult)
- France
- Abbas (code)
- Anex (gfx)
- Frank (trade sysop 'ARTIFICIAL DREAMS' was BUSTED![2] (but boardlist claimed sysop was Rhod)
- Ideal (trade, 12/92)
- Matrix (music)
- Scud (Thomas Venon, org code trade, 12/92-early '93)
- Sword (Oscar Garcia, trade, 12/92)
- Tdc (code, ex Delight, new late '91)
- Rebels France was rebuilt by Reflex and Abbas, and consists of Abbas, Anex, Ideal, Reflex and Sword. Therefore, the other guys must have been kicked/left. The French section released the demo "Outland". Reflex later left, and joined Movement.
- England
- Adec (swap, 12/90)
- John (John Lomax, gfx, 12/92)
- Lynx (gfx)
- Rage (trade)
- Spellcaster (swap, ex System 5, new late '90)
- Italy
- Batblster (sysop 'MUSICAL PHARMACY')
- Seven M (trade)
- Analog Kid (Rick, sysop 'WILDSIDE' WHQ, 12/92)
- Missile Man (sysop 'DEFCON 5', 12/92)
- Saint (trade)
- Vortex (sysop 'EUROPEAN IMPORT SOFTWARE' WHQ aka EIS, old?/later? handle Brandon, 02/92)
- Unknown
- Elite (06/89)
- Ghostrider (06/89)
- Maze (Denmark? code, 03/89)
- Temet (new 06/89)
- The Invisible (ex LSD)
New Rebels (1994-)
- Denmark
- AC (Rene Olsen, code, new mid '96-02/97)
- Bakerman (Kasper Hartwich, sysop 'TRADE CENTRAL', 02/97)
- Conan & Newton (Nicolas Clarke & Morten Rasmussen, coders, both doublemembers of Kingdom, 03/94-02/97)
- Fresh Prince (Daniel Povlsen, code, new 12/94-02/97)
- Kefner (Thomas, code, new mid '96-02/97)
- Pac-Man (Rasmus Hartman, trade, 03-11/94)
- Silicon (Mads Abildgaard, gfx, ex Passion, new ROM9-02/97)
- Wire (Jacob Sylvest, raytrace, new mid '96-02/97)
- Yobbo (Per Fredberg, sysop 'THE LARCH' WHQ, ex Angels, new 02/94-03/96)
- Sweden
- Eracore (Erland Körner, gfx, doublemember of Suburban Base, 10/94-05/97)
- Klorathy (code music, ex Ram Jam, new early '97)
- Krustur (code, ex Ram Jam, new early-05/97)
- Logic (Håkan Jonsson, org trade pack, 10/95-01/96)
- Loop (gfx, ex Ram Jam, new early '97)
- Morris (Kristian, gfx, 01/96-02/97)
- Morrow (Carl-Johan (Calle) Naes, gfx music, ex C-Lous, new 05-10/94, rejoined 08/97)
- Pace (Roger Andersson, swap, new 05/94)
- Payday (swap sysop, ex Ram Jam, new early '97)
- Princip (Peter, sysop 'INTERCHANGE', ex Delirium, 10/94-01/95)
- Some1 (music, ex C-Lous, new 08/97)
- Swoop (Erik Sundberg, org music swap trade, ex Byte Busters, old handle Zaddo, 03/94-02/97)
- Norway
- Ambient (Stefan Svellingen, code, old handle CyberState, new 03/96-02/97)
- Archangel (music sysop 'WHITE ROOM STUDIOS', triplemember of Puzzle and TRSI, 01-09/96)
- Jerry (Stig Rune Frydenlund, www music editor sysop 'ARTCORE' earlier 'SOUND OF NOISE', new 03/96-08/97)
- Jerry Dee (Jarle Berntsen, gfx, 01/96)
- Lord Mindless (code, 01/96)
- Nirvana (Torgrim Nærstad, gfx, mid '96-02/97)
- Speed Devil (ascii swap, ex Looker House, new late '97/early '98)
- Timmy (Anders Ormehaug, music, new mid '96-02/97)
- Turkey
- Bloody (swap editor swap, 09-11/94)
- Kris (Alpaslan Deveci, code gfx editor, 09/94-05/97)
- Germany
- Chromag (Timm Albers, music, later Essence, 04-12/94, rejoined 09/96)
- Elvin (Andreas Jaeger, org sysop 'MASTER AND SERVANT', later Quartex, 09/94-95)
- Melvin (Klaus-Wilhelm Horstmann, org swap trade, 04-11/94)
- Slash (Nico Rittner, code, 04-11/94)
- Teevan aka T'Vaan (Robert Salzmer, gfx, 10-12/94)
- Unknown
- Demon (gfx, 10/94)
- Lionheart (swap)
- Pitch (modem)
- SRL (gfx, 10/94)
Group History
Old Rebels (1989-1993)
- 1989
- Rebels was formed 10th of February 1989 when the two groups Chaos Cooperation and Roadrunners decided to join forces. Their first production, announcing this, was released two days later at the Bamiga Sector One and The Warfalcons Party in Denmark. The original members were (I believe) all Danish. They were; BJ, Codex, Cruncher, Droopy, Jake Up, Jason, Joz, Obx, Raz, Static, Thrasher, Vandal, XOD and Yoyo. Cruncher (Denmark, Rasmus Hartmann) suddenly sold his Amiga and left the scene 08/89, only six months after he helped found Rebels. Danish coder Proxt left for Panzerfaust (now Cave).
- 1990
- Jake released issues of his pack "Candyland", and Nick & Zaxxan released issues of their pack "Sweetest Perfection". Australian members The Teacher and The Corporal left for Scoopex. Swedes Alta (code), Fuzzac (code, 02/90), Marillion (music, 02/90) and Mogwie (code) all joined The Silents, but Mogwie later rejoined. When Kefrens died, R.W.O and S.L.L both joined, but left after 14 days to form Hydronic. In addition, Icronite and Milkshake joined, but immediately moved on to Anarchy.
- 1991
- The Austrian division got kicked around easter 1991. Krest (ex Cryolite/Flash Productions UK) joined the group around june, and the intro "Rebel Without A Cause" introduced him to the group. Nick & Zaxxan released further issues of their pack "Sweetest Perfection". Labyrinth was kicked out, so he joined TRSI late '91. Danish Trix (ex Dexion) joined Anarchy in mid '91. However, quite a lot later!, it was claimed he was simply kicked[3].
- 1992
- French coder Dca (ex Delight, new late '91) joined Anarchy around January. Early in the year they were reinforced with the Germans Chaos, Diddle, Zaphod, 16 Beat, Jester, Cthulu, Hawk, Cruiser, Vindicator and Panther from Sanity, but their stay was a brief one and they soon returned to try and rebuild their old group. They left behind only one production; the intro "Sanity Is Dead". English sysop Clairvoyant ('FORGOTTEN REALMS', 02/92) joined Dual Crew in March.
- Danish coder, and one of the original founders, Droopy (02-08/89) was mentioned 12/92 as a member of Rebels PC, so he probably went over to that division at one time or the other. -- Raz (founder code gfx music swap, 02-06/89). Q (code).
- 1993
- The year started disastrously for Rebels, when January brought on a mass migration to a new group formed almost exclusively by ex-Rebels members; Movement. The group was founded by dutch musician 911 (ex The Silents) and Finnish organizer Meegosh, and soon many key members had moved on to the new group. Among others Swedish trader Logic (ex Noxious), Dutch Astro (ex The Silents), Finnish musician Nugget (ex NKOTB), Finnish coder Jef (old handle MCD), Finnish coder Ruben (old handle Willow), Finnish sysop Storm ('WASTED TIME', 07/91-), Danish Toastmaster (ex Bacteria, new late '92), and Turkish 'Eternal' editors Orion and Kris (ex Accuracy, new mid '92). Since Meegosh was the previous world leader (since mid '92), a new one had to be chosen, and Jake took over the reins of the group. In the weeks and months to follow, also Swedish coder Asterix (old handle Alta, 02/90-), Swedish musician Omega (12/91-) and French musician Reflex (ex Delight, new late '91-10/91) joined Movement. I don't know what happened in the meantime, but 12/93 Bozo is suddenly the new main organizer! Frenchmen Meta (ex Bass) and Patrick (both early '93) both left to reform Bass mid to late '93. Eventually the group ceased to exist completely.
- Unsorted
- Danish Xience joined Rednex.
- Danish sysop Stripe ('HIGH TENSION') joined The Silents.
- Norwegian sysop Raven ('WONDERLAND', 91) got kicked.
- Danish musician Unison (12/92) was later in Impact Denmark.
- Finnish musician Maza (ex Accession, 12/92) joined Sonic.
- Finnish trader Zakka (ex Spaceballs, 03/93) changed his handle to Black Sheep and joined Alpha Flight.
- Danish coder Xarium (ex Bacteria, 12/92) and trader Bizarre joined Angels.
- German swapper Speedhawk (12/92) changed his handle to Elric and joined Essence.
- Rogue left for the PC scene.
- Norwegian graphician Skywalker (12/92) joined Cryptoburners.
- Danish organizer, swapper and trader Janitor (new 10/90-02/92) joined Kaos Design, the Crack Inc subgroup.
- Finnish Hoover (ex Brainstorm) left to work commercially.
- The Swedish division has many internal problems, because mainorg M:ET (trade), Nick (Sweden, mainorg trade, later Rebels PC? 12/91), Portwer (Johan Ramsay, trade sysop 'EQUIPOISE', ex Noxious, 12/92), Dragon (sysop 'DRAGON'S LAIR', ex Dual Crew, later Rebels PC? 02/92) and Wico (sysop 'INNER CIRCLE', ex Scoopex, 02/92) all left the Amiga scene to start a new PC group called THE EDGE.
- Frenchmen Skynet and Suny (gfx) joined Anarchy.
- Danish musician, graphician and one of the founders, Static (02-08/89) joined Paradox, then rejoined 12/90. He then joined The Silents. He later returned once again to take part in the new Rebels when they were reborn in 1994.
- The entire Swedish division (except M:ET who joined Cascade) joined The Silents. However, many of them has since returned - like M:ET, Alta, Vic.
- Finnish Heatbeat (music) and Dweezil (code) got kicked. Instead of joining some other crew, the two decided to form Carillon.
- Hitchcock joined Extreme.
- Swedish coder Jas joined Phenomena.
- Dutch trader and musician Mark (ex The Silents, 12/92) joined Banal Projects.
- Frenchmen Albatros and Hof (gfx, 92) joined Alliance Design.
- French trader (and sysop 'ARTIFICIAL DREAMS'?) Rhod joined Anarchy.
New Rebels (1994-)
- 1994
- Several of the original Danish and Swedish members returned to be members of Rebels again after the group was reborn. Danes who returned were, among others, Bozo (mainorg trade pack, 12/92-10/93), Conan (code, 03/89-12/91) and Static (music, 03/90). Shortly after being reformed, the German section released their first demo, "Prurient". It was quickly followed by the winner of the Doom's Day Party '94, "Switchback", and the Rebels seemed to be back on track! They finished the year at The Party '94 with "Whammer Slammer", the third demo in a row by german duo Zulu and Grey. Sometime between April and May, Swedish sysop Dracula ('TRANSYLVANIA', 03/94-) left the group. Bozo became the new main organizer. Sometime between June and October, Germans Siriax (Dennis Lewerenz, trade sysop 'CRAP TOWER', new 04/94-), Toxic (Sven Dedek, gfx, later Abyss, new 05/94-) and Dynamite (Sirko Zidlewitz, music, 04/94-), as well as Danes Angel (trade, 03/94-), D-Siya (modem organizer trade, 03/94-), Ice Lord (Mikael, gfx, 03/94-), Janitor (trade, 03/94-), Static (Anders Bukh, music, 03/94-), Strike (Jesper Knudsen, trade, 03/94-), Xod (Morton Plass, gfx, still in the PC section? 03/94-) and Yoyo (Karsten Kiems, music, 03/94-) left the group. Sometime between September and October, German sysop MDB (Carsten Lewandowsky, 'LOVE LIKE BLOOD') left the group. Zulu & Grey came 3rd in the music competition at The Party '94 with "A Kind of Love", but actually, they didn't compose the tune at all, it was just delivered by them for their friend Chromag, who couldn't attend :)
- 1995
- After three strong demo releases in 1994, the new year presented us with total silence! It was also this year that German organizers Exciter (Ingo Kamps) and Weezer decided to leave the scene. Things were further complicated when his replacement, the Dane Nighthawk (Steffen Karstoft, gfx, ex Majic 12, 03/94-) also decided to leave the scene in August, after moving over to England to study! His replacement - in turn - would be the Swede Swoop, hopefully a more permanent solution. Swedish graphician Slime (Ola Wiklander, 09/94-12/95) left the scene towards the end of the year, after his computer died. Danish cofounder and earlier main organizer Bozo (Flemming Ljungdahl, 02/94-) also sadly decided to leave the scene towards the end of the year. Red Cheese joined Passion late '95. Germans Zulu and Grey (code, ex DCS, new 94-95), Excess (raytrace, 04/94-95) and Cueball (code raytrace, 04/94-95) all left for Essence[4]. German swapper Ghandy (09-10/94) joined Bonzai Brothers[5]. Danish coder Ozone (03-10/94) is now only in the PC division[6]. German musician Mel'o'Dee (Heiko Klueh, 09-10/94) was asked to leave along with the others in the cleanup specified below. After that, he chose to leave the scene. He is now composing music professionally, trying to earn some money that way.
- A major clean-up was performed, reducing the amount of members from 40 to 25. Among the people that had to leave were Mr.Magoo (Nicki K. Jensen, Denmark code, old handle Xariun, 03-10/94), Mr.Orion (Kennet Bendixen, Denmark modem organizer, new 09-10/94), Weird Dream (Lars Schmidt, Denmark swap trade, ex Angels, new early '94, 02-10/94), Voyager (USA sysop 'FASTRAX', new 09-10/94), Snow Queen (USA sysop 'FASTRAX', new 09-10/94), Raist (Jakob Termansen, Denmark ascii swap trade, new 09-10/94), Ring Ring (Roland Waterweg, Holland modem, new 10/94), Smoke (Bruno Nielsen, Denmark gfx, 03/94-), Raven and Morrow[7][8]. Musician Morrow was later in C-Lous, before rejoining with Some1 in 1997.
- 1996
- The year started tragically, as a lightning bolt took out Twister's board 'FLASHBACK' in January. After some consideration, Twister (Anders Lindquist) and fellow Swede graphician Disc (Mats Erikson, ex Tetragon or Equinox, 95-) were asked to leave the group. Around the same time Norwegian sysop Jedi (Hans Petter Andersen, ex Puzzle) decided to leave the Amiga scene for his career in a PC cracking group. March saw the recruitment of CyberState and Jerry in Norway. We wouldn't see a new Rebels production until after the middle of the year, when their new Danish recruitment Fresh Prince secured them a winning 64k intro at the South Sealand Party. The only other release this year was the Norwegian section's "Chip Nostalgia". In August, Danish musician Vocal (Andre Greve, 03/94-) was kicked, after he bought a PC, and no contact had been made in months. Swoop continued to lead the group throughout the year.
- 1997
- Early this year, Swedes Klorathy (code music), Krustur (code), Loop (gfx) and Payday (swap sys) all joined from Ram Jam, following an internal fight in that group. Danish graphician, musician and also eventually sysop Bird (new 01/96-) joined Scoopex in April to work with his friend Boogeyman. For a while in '96, Bird also ran the board 'ELEKTRIK CAFE'. Swedish coder Lussar'n (ex Medicine, new early '94-) left Rebels after about a year of scene inactivity and joined Craze late '96.
Releases (Old Rebels)
- See Rebels/Reviews for personal reviews for these releases.
Mini-BBS-Intro (ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Jef
- gfx
- Hansie (logo)
- music
- "Intromuz-1" by Heatbeat.
Outland (pre 1992, .07, ECS File)
- info
- Released by the French section.
Pirazy (1989 or pre, ECS Demo)
- Credits
- code
- Proxt
- gfx
- n/a
- music
- n/a
Small BBS Intro (ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Newton
- gfx
- Newton
- music
- n/a
Sound & Vision (ECS Musicdisk)
Wild Side BBS Intro (ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Oliver, Ruben
- gfx
- Color/Phenomena (title)
- music
- Omega
Vesc (1989?, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Fuzzac, Alta
- gfx
- Static
- music
- Marillion
On Wheels of Steel (1989, 12.02, ECS File)
- Info
- Released at the Bamiga Sector One and Warfalcons copy party.
Toked Away (1989, 11.04, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Droopy
- gfx
- n/a
- music
- Yoyo
- Info
- Released at the Spectre & North Star Helloween Party '89.
Tragic Magic (1989, 01.05, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Vandal
- gfx
- Static, Proxt (intro), Vandal (intro), Xod (title)
- music
- "Psychostatic" by Static
Swimming (1989, 16.06, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Zonix
- gfx
- Assassinater
- music
- Static
Megademo (1989, 07.08, ECS Megademo)
- Info
- Released at the Digitech - IBB Summer Conference '89...probably :)
Sin O`Delic (1989, 07.08, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Droopy
- gfx
- Static
- music
- Static
- Info
- Released at the Digitech - IBB Summer Conference '89.
The Incredible Hulkdemo (1989, 04.09, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Taus
- gfx
- Xod
- music
- Static
A New Decade (1989/90?, ECS File)
Intro (1990?, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Droopy, Maze
- gfx
- Static
- music
- n/a
Wonderland BBS Intro (1990?, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Newton
- gfx
- Newton
- music
Vectory 1990 (1990, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Droopy
- gfx
- Static
- music
- Static
- Credits
- code
- Newton
- gfx
- Newton (logo)
- music
- n/a
Waterproof (1990, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Conan, Jake, Newton
- gfx
- Mike, Jake
- music
- Keo/Fraxion
Vectors 1990 (1990, early, ECS Demo)
Megademo II (1990, 17.02, ECS Megademo)
- Credits
- code
- Asterix, Mogwie, Fuzzac
- gfx
- Rizzo, Vic, Asterix
- music
- Marillion
Coma (1990, .03, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Vandal
- gfx
- Vandal, Static
- music
- Static
Megablast (1990, 08.03, ECS Musicdisk)
- Credits
- code
- Conan, Droopy, Maze
- gfx
- Static
- music
- Yoyo, Static
Multidemo (1990, .07, ECS Demo)
Last Dimension (1990, 05.07, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Sundance
- gfx
- Xod
- music
- Yoyo
Total Triple Trouble (1990, 26.12, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Droopy
- gfx
- n/a
- music
- Static
- Info
- Winner of the Dexion Xmas Party '90 demo competition! The soundtrack to this is what made Static legendary...
Crystal Symphonies (1991, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk)
- Info
- Cooperation with Phenomena and Scoopex, see Phenomena/Reviews.
Import Intro (1991, ECS Intro)
- Info
- Originally an import intro on Decay's "Simpsons" demo disk.
The Hideout Thing (1991, ECS Intro)
Snap! (1991, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Willow
- gfx
- The Kid
- music
- "Day By Day" by Heatbeat
Just Add Water (1991, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Jef
- gfx
- Namu, Hansie
- music
- "Bubblegum" by Heatbeat
Det Kniber (1991, 28.04, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Icronite
- gfx
- Milkshake
- music
- Static
- Info
- Released at the Amiga Convention Summit.
Our Definition of a BoomBastic Style (1991, 30.03, ECS Demo)
- Info
- 5th in the Anarchy Easter Party '91 demo competition.
Introduction to Seduction (1991, 11.05, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Dweezil
- gfx
- Corwin
- music
- [[Aleksi Eeben|Heatbeat]
- Info
- Winner of the Turtle Party '91 demo competition!
Rebel Without A Cause (1991, .06?, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Paleface
- gfx
- Seen/Alliance Design, Krest (title, ice font)
- music
- "Test1" by Yoyo
ECES Slideshow (1991, 15.06, ECS Slideshow)
- Info
- Released at (after?) the ECES Party '91.
Blue House 2 (1991, 28.12, ECS File)
- Info
- Released at The Party '91.
Aars Intro (1991, 28.12, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Newton
- gfx
- Newton
- music
- n/a
Claude's Runner (1991/2?, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- n/a
- gfx
- n/a
- music
- "Music" by Heatbeat
99 Boxes (1992, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Ruben
- gfx
- Nugget
- music
- "Masturbation-92" by Nugget
Swedish Top 30 #5 (1992, ECS Filechart)
- Credits
- code
- Mogwie
- gfx
- Hof, Bratz
- music
- "Love the 7th Wave" by Omega
Sanity Is Dead (1992, early, ECS Demo)
- Credits
- code
- Chaos
- gfx
- n/a
- music
- "Stagebox" by Jester
Swedish Top 30 #? (1992, 01.03, ECS Filechart)
- Credits
- code
- Oliver
- gfx
- Pucko/?, Krest/Anarchy (font)
- music
- Omega
- editors
- Mike, Burkman
3 Day Hell (1991-late92, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Ruben
- gfx
- Block (logo), Nugget (font)
- music
- "Highspeed" by Nugget
Assembly '92 Partyinfo-Intro (1992, after 25.04, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Jef
- gfx
- Hansie
- music
- "Turritune.Tixtune5" by Reflex
Intro (1992, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Jef, Asterix
- gfx
- John
- music
- Maza
- Info
- 6th in The Party '92 40k intro competition.
Releases (New Rebels)
- See Rebels/Reviews for personal reviews for these releases.
Prurient (1994, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Zulu, Grey (additional)
- gfx
- Smoke
- music
- Chromag
- Info
- Try out the mouse and joystick during the cubeworld!
Switchback (1994, 09.10, AGA Multifile, 2 disks)
- Credits
- code
- Zulu & Grey
- gfx
- Kris, Teevan, Slime, Excess (raytrace), Demon (additional), Eracore (additional), Grey (additional), SRL (additional)
- music
- Chromag, Vocal
- Info
- Winner of the Doom's Day Party '94! The version released at the party required a 030 processor. A new version, v1.2, was later released that was fully 020 compatible.
Whammer Slammer (1994, 28.12, AGA Multifile, 3 disks)
- Credits
- code
- Zulu & Grey, Newton (additional)
- gfx
- Cueball, Eracore, Slime, Teevan, Excess (raytrace)
- music
- Chromag, Vocal
- Info
- 5th at The Party '94 demo compo. Works on standard A1200, no fast needed.
Chip Nostalgia (1996, Chipmusicpack)
- Info
- Produced by the Norwegian section, with music by Archangel and Jerry.
64k (1996, 06.07, 020+ 4MB Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Fresh Prince
- gfx
- Eracore
- music
- Slide
- Info
- Winner of the South Sealand '96 Party intro competition!
Marlboromatic (1997, 22.05, AGA Musicfile)
- Credits
- code
- Krustur
- gfx
- Kris, Eracore (additional)
- music
- Jerry
- Info
- Chippack with Jerry-tunes from the past year.
Paranoid (1997, .06, AGA demo)
- Info
- Winner of the Remedy '97 demo competition!
External Links
Music in the UnExoticA collection
The following demos in the UnExoticA collection were created by Rebels.
Demo | Year | Party |
Sanity is Dead | 1992 | Energy, Awesome and Hypnotic Party |
Switchback | 1994 | Doom's Day Party '94 |
UnExoticA |
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