Dual Crew
From ExoticA
Dual Crew (DC, 1988-1993)
- UK
- Galahad (cracker)
- Beast (sysop 'ARCADiA' 91)
- The Warden (sysop 'THE ASYLUM')
- Ultimate Warrior (swap, 04/92)
- White IC and Phosphyre (sysops 'COMPLEX CORROSION')
- ???
- Belfagor (music, 04/92)
- Breeze (ex Amaze (old))
- Danken (swe? music, 01/90)
- Df0 (ex Amaze (old))
- Doom (ex Gothic)
- Dwarf (ex Amaze (old))
- Hawk (fin? code, new 05/92)
- J.K. (music, 04/92)
- Morph (music, ex Crystal, rejoined, 04-05/92)
- Overlord (ex LSD, new 08/92)
- PMB (ex Amaze (old))
- Shadow (gfx, 05/92)
- Spike (ex Alliance)
Group History
Dual Crew was originally a C64 cracking group, and the amiga section was formed by Stookie in 1988. Color blind graphician Red Devil ran the pack series "Ultimate Sin" for a while, which was previously run by other DC members.
- 1990
- Swedes Omega (music), Tip (music), Mace (code) and Color (gfx) all joined around july, but the three last ones didn't stay too long and moved on to join Phenomena in december. Four others swedes also joined in the same time period; JBM, Trigon, Joker and Hater from Tetragon. Swedish Gizmo joined The Silents, while swedish Leper Messiah joined D-Mob - both late in the year.
- 1991
- Swedish trader JBM (ex Tetragon, new 07/90) joined Fairlight in the summer of 91. English sysop Beast ('ARCADiA') joined and left later in 91 to join Quarte (old).
- 1992
- English sysop Clairvoyant ('FORGOTTEN REALMS') joined from Rebels in march. English sysop Reflex ('A KIND OF MAGIC', 04/92) left in august, and his further scene career is uncertain. German sysop Fornax ('EUROPE'S HEART') joined from 2000 AD around october.
- 1993
- Germans Orbit (code) and HMC (music, both ex Gothic) joined Alcatraz Entertainment Software in march. In april of 1993 Dual Crew merged with Shining, and became the new group Dual Crew Shining (DCS). Among the people who went along to DCS were Snuskbuske (swe trade sysop 'GURUS DREAM', 04/92), Chromag (ger music, ex Addonic, new 09/92), Red Devil (eng gfx, ex Wizzcat, 04-05/92), Gin (music, ex Carnage, 12/92), Gamma (fin music, 04/92), NZO (crack), Haka (fin sysop 'EASTERN FRONT', 07/91-), Tyrell (fin music, ex Vectra, 04/92), Zaz (swe code, 01/90-), Mutant (swe gfx, 01/90-), Clairvoyant (eng sysop 'FORGOTTEN REALMS', ex Rebels, new 03-04/92), Polarbear (fin trade, 07/91-02/93), Ninja (ger gfx, ex Awesome) and Stookie (swe org modem, 88-).
- JS joined Byterapers Inc.
- English Warlord joined Fairlight.
- German sysop Headhunter ('CONDEMNED CELL', ex Aurora) was kicked.
- German Wonderboy (ex Awesome, new 09/92) joined Razor 1911.
- Pylon C and 7an (music, 04/92) were both kicked. 7an did a tune for the musicdisk 'Sound of Science'.
- German sysop Xeniator ('SATAN'S PALACE') was kicked, and therefore joined Platin.
- German sysop Fornax ('EUROPE'S HEART', ex 2000 AD) joined TRSI.
- German Skyfox (ex Adept or Agnostic Front, new pre 07/92) was kicked and therefore joined Desire.
- German musician Chromag (ex Platin, new late 92) joined Essence... or see the history file for an alternative take!
- Link joined Scoopex.
- Agony was kicked, then joined Laserdance.
- Germans WOTW (music) and D-Sign (gfx, both ex Gothic) joined The Silents.
- WAL joined Offworld.
- Stiga left the scene.
- Tocic and CIA got kicked.
- Finnish Catman (ex Network, new 08/92) changed his handle to Fuzzy and joined Complex.
- Matrix, Delbert and Duke joined LSD early 92. However, SLH11 claimed Matrix left the scene...? Can anyone help us with this?
- Cooper, Skywalker, Razor and G.T.O. (old handle Magic Duke) left the scene to make a game. However, this is untrue at least in G.T.O's case; he didn't leave the scene. RAW5 confirms he joined Digital (old)!
- Germans Tron, Crux, MCM and E.Toball joined Anarchy. SLH11 mentions that MCM joined Spaceballs and E.Toball joined Complex. Indeed they did, but only after their visit in Anarchy (which was relatively brief).
- Shaggy joined Fairlight.
- Swedish sysop Dragon ('DRAGON'S LAIR'), joined Rebels.
- Norwegian coder Lord Mindless joined Offence.
- Norwegians Octoplex (code, ex Palace), Flash and Mindblaster (all ex Vision (amiga) (old)...?) joined Scoopex.
- Norwegian sysop Phonebilly ('ELEGANT MACHINERY', ex D-Tect) left to be independent.
- Zneiper (ex Motion) joined Digital Warriors.
- See Dual Crew/Reviews for personal reviews for these releases.
Trainer Intro (1990?, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- Code
- Trigon
- Gfx
- n/a
- n/a
Competition Demo (1990, 05.01, ECS File)
- Credits
- code
- Zaz
- gfx
- Mutant
- music
- Danken
- Info
- Released at the Phenomena and Censor Party 90.
Yum Yum (1990, .08, ECS Demo)
Vectorscroll (1990, .11, ECS Demo)
- Info
- Released for the Amiga Halloween Conference 90.
Party Slideshow (1991, 15.06, ECS Slideshow)
- Info
- Released at ECES Party '91.
Brain Drain (1991, .12, ECS Disk)
- Credits
- code
- n/a
- gfx
- Mutant
- music
- n/a
Finlandia (1992, .02, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk, 3 disks)
- Credits
- code
- WDO/Dual Crew
- gfx
- Jugi/Complex
- Destop/Dual Crew
- music
- "Synnissa kypsynyt" by Bruno/SCUP
- "Lucid Dreams" by Jugi/Complex
- "Mellow Pluck" by Delorean/Complex
- "Forever Alien" by Fleshbrain/Crusaders
- "Like Commercial Shit" by Dean/Cyberiad
- "Towards and Back" by Di33y
- "Jammin' for Nothing" by Heatbeat/Carillon
- "Starbalance" by Turtle/Byterapers Inc
- "Club Mood" by Delorean/Complex
- "Alannah my Paerse" by Spock/TRSI
- "Tweaked 2 Fit In" by Delorean/Complex
- "Curious World" by Delorean/Complex
- Info
- Cooperation with Complex.
3 disks, and it doesn't support df1:!?
The Sounds of Science (1992, 18.04. ECS Multifile Musicdisk, 2 disk)
- Credits
- code
- Zaz
- gfx
- Red Devil (logo)
- music
- "Running Elephant" by Belfagor
- "Pandora's Box '91" by Tyrell
- "Freedom!" by J.K.
- "Brutalbanan" by 7an
- "Respiration" by Morph
- "Trajanus" by Dizzy
- "Nutritional" by Gamma
- "Artifical Musique" by D-Zire/The Silents
- "Stratosphere" by Gin/Carnage (loader)
- Info
- Released at The Gathering 92.
Mystic Places Intro (1992, 31.05, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code
- Hawk
- gfx
- Shadow
- Red Devil
- music
- Morph