Format and Replays
From ExoticA
Format Name | Prefix/Suffix | Description |
A.M.Composer 1.2 | amc | Music format created by Marc Hawliteck of Vesalia-Soft. |
Abyss' Highest eXperience | ahx | Formerly THX |
AC1D-DC1A Packer | ac1d | A module packer created by Carsten Sørensen (Slammer/Anarchy). First used in Anarchy's "In The Kitchen" demo. |
Actionamics Sound Tool | ast | Created by Michael Kleps for the game Dyna Blaster. |
AMOS Music Bank | abk | Tracker-like music player created by François Lionet for his AMOS Basic programming language. AMOS comes with programs for converting tracker and Sonix music to the AMOS format. |
AProSys | APS | A sample and synth editor created by Petter A. Urkedal. |
Art & Magic | aam | A music format created by the Art & Magic team for the ingame music in the game Agony. |
Art of Noise | aon | A sample and synth editor by Bastian Spiegel (Twice/Lego). |
Beathoven Synthesizer | bss | A music format created by Thomas Lopatic (Dr.Nobody/HQC) 1987, often used in Rainbow Arts and Tristar productions from 1987-88. |
Benn Daglish | bd | A music format created for Ben 'Benn' Daglish by Colin 'Fungus the Bogeyman' Dooley. |
Benn Daglish SID | bds | A music format created by Ben 'Benn' Daglish based on his Commodore 64 version. |
Channel Players | chan | A module packer created by Alan/Impact Inc in 1994. |
ChipTracker | mod | Also known as KRIS Tracker, a module packer created by KRIS/Anarchy for use by Matthew Simmonds (4-Mat/Anarchy). |
Cinemaware | cin | A MIDI-like music format that appears to have only been used in Cinemaware's last game, Wings. |
Core Design | core | A music and fx format used in early Core Design games, possibly created by Ben 'Benn' Daglish. |
Custom | cust | DeliTracker's format for Amiga music that's not in any known format. Custom tunes include both the music data and the player code needed to replay it. Other Amiga music players, like EaglePlayer, DeliPlayer and UADE, recognise the DeliTracker Custom format. |
CustomMade | cm | A music and fx format created by Yvo Zoer and Ron Klaren. |
Darius Zendeh | dz | A music format created by Darius Zendeh (Mark II/Quadlite). It is basically his old Mark II Sound-System format with support for subsongs. |
Dave Lowe | dl | A music format created by Dave Lowe (Uncle Art). |
Dave Lowe New | dln | A newer version of the Dave Lowe music routine. |
David Hanney | dh | A music format created by David Hanney. |
David Whittaker | dw | A music format created by the prolific David Whittaker. |
DeltaMusic 2.0 | dm2 | A synthetic music format created by Bent Nielsen. |
Desire | dsr | A music format created by Dentons in 1993. |
DIGI Booster | digi | An eight channel tracker for the Amiga created in 1997 by Tomasz and Waldemar Piasta. Later followed by DIGI Booster PRO, much respected by Amiga musicians for its built-in Roland TB303 emulator. |
Digital Illusions | di | A module packer with subsong support, created by the The Silents for their pinball games. Also known as GrapeTracker. |
Digital Sonix & Chrome | dsc | A music format created by Andrew Bailey & David Hanlon. |
Dynamic Synthesizer | ds | An early music format created by Chris Hülsbeck, a predecessor of TFMX. |
EarAche | ea/mg | A sample and synth format created by Morten Grouleff. |
Editeur Musical Sequentiel | ems | A music format created by Ringard' for use in their demos and games. |
Face The Music | ftm | A commercial 8 channel music format created in 1990/91 by Jörg W. Schmidt for Maxon Computer GmbH. |
Fashion Tracker | ex | A music format created by the 'Fashion' team. |
FastTracker 2.0 | xm | A multi-channel PC music editor by Magnus Högdahl and Fredrik Huss. |
Follin Player II | tf | A music format used by the Follin brothers. |
Fred Editor | fred | Music editor and audio routines by Frédéric Hahn with some support from Julien Clermonte. Also (wrongly) known as Fredmon or Fred Monitor. |
Fred Gray | fg | A music format used by Fred Gray. |
Future Composer 1.3 | fc13 | A synthetic music editor created by Supersero/Superions in 1990, based on Jochen Hippel's routines. |
Future Composer 1.4 | fc14 | A synthetic music editor created by Supersero/Superions in 1990, based on Jochen Hippel's routines. |
Future Player | fp | A synthetic music format created in 1988 by Paul van der Valk, predecessor of the Medley Sound Editor. |
FWMP | fw | The custom music routine used in Forgotten Worlds. |
Game Music Creator | gmc | A direct competitor of Soundtracker, by Andreas Tadic. It is very similar to Soundtracker, although it's not a module packer. |
GlueMon | glue | A music format by Lars Malmborg (GlueMaster/North Star). |
Hippel | hip | A music format created by Jochen Hippel (Mad Max/The Exceptions). This also includes Hippel 7V (seven voices) music. |
Hippel-COSO | hipc | A variant of the Hippel music format. This also includes Hippel COSO 7V (seven voices) music. COSO means "crunched datablock", i.e. the music data is compressed. The Hippel-COSO file format can be decrunched into the regular Hippel format. |
Hively Tracker | hvl | A variant of the AHX format, which adds support for up to 16 channels, two commands per row, and ring modulation. |
Howie Davies | hd | A music format created by Gary Antcliffe and Howie Davies in 1990, used in PAL Developments games. |
IFF-8SVX | svx | The Amiga's standard format for 8-bit sound samples, created by Electronic Arts in 1984 at the birth of the Amiga. |
Images | ims | A module packer created by Neil Crossley, used in games that were ported from the Atari ST to the Amiga in 1990 by Images Design. |
InStereo! | is | A 4-voice synth/sample format created by by Hans Bergstedt. |
ISO-MPEG Audio Layer-2 | mp2 | A substitute audio compression format used in place of very sizeable CDDA tracks. |
ISO-MPEG Audio Layer-3 | mp3 | A substitute audio compression format used in place of very sizeable CDDA tracks. More commonly known as MP3. |
JamCracker | jam | A Noisetracker-alike music format created by M. Gemmel and Xag of Betrayal in 1990. |
Janko Mrsic-Flogel | jmf | A music format created by Janko Mrsic-Flogel. |
Jason Brooke | jcb | A music format created by Jason C Brooke. |
Jason Page | jp | A music format created by Jason Page. It was also used as the basis for Jason's music routines on the Atari ST, SNES and Megadrive. |
Jeroen Tel | jt | Also known as 'Maniacs Of Noise Old', this music format was created by Charles Deenen and Jeroen Tel, used by the Maniacs of Noise. |
Jesper Olsen | jo | A music format created by Jesper Olsen. |
Kris Hatlelid | kh | A music format created by Kris Hatlelid. |
Leggless Music Editor | lme | A music editor created by Leggless/The Silents. |
M.O.N New | mon | A music format created by Charles Deenen and Frédéric Hahn, used by the Maniacs of Noise. |
M.O.N Old | mon | A music format created by Charles Deenen and Jeroen Tel, used by the Maniacs of Noise. This format now has a new revised replayer - see 'Jeroen Tel'. |
Magnetic Fields Packer | mfp | A module packer created by Shaun Southern. |
Mark Cooksey | mc | A music format created by Mark Cooksey and Richard Frankish. |
Mark II Sound-System | mkii | A music format created by Darius Zendeh (Mark II/Quadlite), the music was originally hand written in assembly language as data. |
Martin Walker | mw | A music format created by Martin Walker. |
MaxTrax | mxtx | A music format created in 1992 by Sylvan Technical Arts. |
MED | med | Music EDitor by Tejio Kinnunen. MED was originally available as freeware, with a commercial eight channel version called OctaMED. The latest version of MED is OctaMED SoundStudio. This format was very popular with musicians, but it was not used much in games because the complexity of the format required too much CPU time. |
Medley | mso | The successor to the Future Player format by Paul van der Valk. |
Mike Davies | md | A music format created in 1989 by Mike Davies, often used in Tiertex games. |
MMDC | mmdc | A module packer created by Anthony Crowther. |
Mugician | mug | Also known as "Digital Mugician", this music format was created by Reinier van Vliet (Rhino/Team Hoi). |
Mugician II | mug2 | A music format created by Reinier van Vliet (Rhino/Team Hoi), it allows for seven voice tunes like the TFMX and Hippel formats. |
Music Assembler | ma | A music format created by Oscar Giesen & Marco Swagerman of Dynamite Software. |
Musicline Editor | ml | An music format by Christian Cyréus & John Carehag featuring up to 8-voices and sythentic instruments. |
MusicMaker | mm4/mm8 | A 4 and 8-voice format created by Thomas Winischhofer |
NoisePacker 2.x | np2 | A module packer created by Twins/Phenomena. |
NoisePacker 3.x | np3 | A module packer created by Twins/Phenomena. |
NoiseTracker | mod | An evolution of the Soundtracker format by Per Tufvesson (Mahoney/North Star) and Anders Berkeman (Kaktus/The Silents). |
NovoTrade Packer | ntp | A module packer created by Novotrade. |
Ogg Vorbis | ogg | A substitute audio compression format used in place of very sizeable CDDA tracks. |
Oktalyzer | okt | An eight channel music editor by Armin Sander (TIP/The New Masters). |
Paul Robotham | dat | A MIDI-like music format created by Pete Barnett and used by Paul Robotham. |
Paul Shields | ps | A music format created by Paul Hunter and used by Paul Shields. |
Paul Summers | snk | A music format created in 1989 by Paul Summers and Mike Chilton. |
Peter Verswyvelen Packer | pvp | A module packer created by Peter Verswyvelen. |
Pha Packer | pha | A module packer created by Azatoth/Phenomena. |
Pierre Adane Packer | pap | A module packer created by Pierre Adane. |
Professional Sound Artists | psa | A music format created by a group called the Professional Sound Artists. |
Promizer | pr1 | A module packer created by Franck Hulsmann (MC68000/Masque). |
ProPacker 2.1 | pp21 | A module packer created by Christian Estrup. |
ProPacker 3.0 | pp30 | A module packer created by Christian Estrup. |
Prorunner 1.0 | prun | A module packer by Cosmos/Sanity. |
Prorunner 2.0 | pru2 | A module packer by Cosmos/Sanity. |
Protracker | mod | The venerable successor of Noisetracker, originally created by the Amiga Freelancers (Lars and Anders Hamre, Sven Vahsen and Rune Johnsrud), followed by Peter Hanning and Anders Ramsay for version 2.1 to 2.3, then by the Cryptoburners (Ivar Just Olsen, Tom Bech and Bjarte Andreaeassen). |
PumaTracker | puma | A music format created by Jean-Charles Meyrignac on the Atari ST, ported to the Amiga by Pierre-Eric Loriaux. |
Quadra Composer | qc/emod | A 4-voice sample on format by Bosse Lincoln. |
Richard Joseph | rjp | A music editor written by Alan McCarthy and Andi Smithers. Also known as the Vectordean format. |
Rob Hubbard | rh | A music format created by Rob Hubbard. |
Rob Hubbard Old | rho | An older version of the Rob Hubbard format. |
Ron Klaren | rk | A music and fx format created by Yvo Zoer and Ron Klaren. Files in this format have an EaglePlayer specific header. |
ScreamTracker 3 | s3m | A multi-channel PC music editor created by Sami Tammilehto (PSI/Future Crew). |
SCUMM | scumm | SCUMM stands for "Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion", and the music format is that which is used in Lucasfilm Games adventures prior to Monkey Island 2, when it was replaced with the "iMuse" system. |
Sean Connolly | scn | A music format created by Sean 'Odie' Connolly. |
Sean Conran | scr | A music format created by Sean Conran. |
Sidmon | sid | A music editor created by Reinier van Vliet (Rhino/Team Hoi). |
Sidmon II | sid2 | A music editor created by Michael Kleps (Unknown/D.O.C). |
Sierra AGI | agi | A sound format used in the first Sierra games that used the AGI (Adventure Game Interpreter) system. |
Silmarils | mok | A music format created by Michel Pernot. |
SonicArranger | sa | A music editor created by Carlsten Schlote, Branko Mikic and Carsten Herbst. |
Sonix Music Driver | smus | Also known as IFF-SMUS, its another Electronic Arts standardised music format, created along with 8SVX, ILBM and FTXT as the EA IFF 85 specification. Other than the archaic Aegis Sonix and EA's own Deluxe Music Construction Set (DMCS), almost no software uses this format. |
Sound Images | tw | A music format created by Tony Williams. |
Sound Master | sm | A music format created by Michiel Soede, used mostly by Jeroen Soede. |
Sound Programming Language | spl | A music programming language created by Holger Gehrmann. First created for the C64 and Tandy PC, later ported to the Amiga and Atari ST. Also known as SOPROL. |
Sound FX | sfx | A Soundtracker clone created by Christian Haller and Christian A. Weber. |
Soundcontrol | sct | A music editor created by Holger Gehrmann. |
Soundfactory | psf | A music format created in 1989 by Zuheir Urwani and Thomas Kolbe. Also known as the Profiteam Sound Factory format. |
SoundMon 2.0 | bp | A music editor created by Brian Postma. |
SoundMon 2.2 | bp | A music editor created by Brian Postma. |
SoundPlayer | sjs | A music format created by Scott Johnston, only used in the Lemmings series of games. |
SoundTracker | mod | The original tracker music editor, created by Karsten Obarski. |
Special FX | jd | A music format used in Special FX games, usually by Jonathan Dunn. |
Speedy System | ss | This is the first Michael Winterberg music format for the Amiga. Known versions are 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0, and 'A'. |
StarTrekker | mod | A Soundtracker clone created in 1990 by Björn Wesen (Exolon/Fairlight). The "4AM" replayer can play synthetic sound samples. |
Steve Barrett | sb | Music composed by Steve Barrett using the Ariston replay routine. |
Steve Turner | jpo | An older version of the Jason Page format, created by Steve Turner and used in Graftgold games. |
StoneTracker | spm/sps | An 8-voice music format by Emmanuel Marty & Michael Lavaire. |
SUNTronic | sun | A music format created by Benl Holger & Felix Schmidt. |
Synth Dream | sdr | A music format created in 1991 by Laurens 'Lotus' Tummers and John Tonnard. |
Synth Pack | osp | A music format created in 1989 by Karsten Obarski. |
Synthesis | syn | A music format created in 1992 by Carsten Herbst (Mr Soundwave) and Branko Mikic, Braintrace Design |
TFMX | mdat | "The Final Musicsystem eXtended". An elaborate music format devised and created by Chris Hülsbeck, with Peter Thierolf writing the editor. |
TFMX 7V | mdat | "The Final Musicsystem eXtended". An elaborate music format devised and created by Chris Hülsbeck, with Peter Thierolf writing the editor. This version uses Jochen Hippel's routines to get seven voices on the four channel Amiga. |
TFMX Pro | mdat | "The Final Musicsystem eXtended". An elaborate music format devised and created by Chris Hülsbeck, with Peter Thierolf writing the editor. |
The Musical Enlightenment | tme | A music format created in n 1989 by N.J. Luuring Jr. |
The Player 4.x | p4x | A module packer created by Jarno Paananen (Guru/Sahara Surfers), this particular version of The Player (4.1a) was never released publically, yet it was leaked to game development companies and became one of the most widespread module packers in existance. |
The Player 5.x | p5x | A module packer created by Jarno Paananen (Guru/Sahara Surfers). |
The Player 6.x | p6x | A module packer created by Jarno Paananen (Guru/Sahara Surfers), this is the most popular module packing software used on the Amiga. |
Thomas Hermann | thm | A music format created in 1989 by Thomas Hermann. |
Trackerpacker 3 | tp3 | A module packer created by Crazy Crack/Mexx. |
Unique Development | uds | A music format created by Unique Development Sweden, found in both the Amiga and Atari ST versions of the game Obsession. |
Wally Beben | wb | Music composed by Wally Beben using the Ariston replay routine. |